Building up the Body of Christ with welcoming arms, loving hearts and joyful worship.
“For I was a stranger and you welcomed me.”
- Matthew 25:35
Here is a ministry where you can use your gifts to make others feel welcome and invited to worship and feel a part of our church family This ministry is open to every parishioner. We create community by sharing a welcoming spirit in the parish, provide friendly outreach and helpful information to visitors and new members, and encourage involvement by everyone to share God’s unconditional love.
The Welcoming Ministry was formed to be the “open arms” between our parish and its members. Not only do we create a family spirit to all our current parishioners, we provide an avenue for all those interested in becoming new members. The Ministry provides helpful information to visitors and those wanting to share their talents in church activities. We establish an atmosphere of love, family and spirituality and encourage involvement by all our parishioners.
We see the future as a community built on the respect and support of one another while sharing the message of God’s unconditional love through Jesus Christ. Our passion is to build a community of faithful followers and network ourselves to all those wanting to do more for the church. The Welcoming Ministry is blessed to have a group of smiling faces and warm hearts, greeting parishioners and their guests during the weekend Masses.
Welcoming Weekends are on our calendar about 6 times a year. We encourage you to help us setting up the room, registering our new parishioners and joining in our continental breakfast or pizza luncheon. It is a wonderful way to meet and greet our newest parishioners.
If you are interested in learning more about the Welcoming Ministry, please complete the form below or contact the Ministry Coordinator at
Can you help our new parishioners feel at home in our community by being a parish ambassador? Come and join our welcoming ministry.