Building up the Body of Christ with welcoming arms, loving hearts and joyful worship.
We rely on Sunday contributions to be able to maintain the church and school and to keep us going. We need electricity, water, and heat; we need to pay salaries and to do what it takes to maintain the property and buildings. There’s a lot that is lost in not being able to be together to support our mission spiritually, communally and even financially.
In tough and challenging times, we are grateful for all those who are making an effort to send in their contributions either through the mail or by dropping them off at the church or parish office. When the church building is open, there’s a basket in the narthex, too, for those who want to drop off their donation there. We’re also grateful to those who are giving electronically at Give Central—either making a one-time donation or switching from envelopes to this new way of contributing, which is becoming more popular in today’s world. Thank you for continuing your support in these extraordinary times.
--The Holy Archangels Finance Council
Click here to make donations by using GiveCentral. You can use this website to make one time or recurring donations to the parish by using your credit card, debit card or other electronic check payments.
As part of our communal life, each week at Mass we take up a collection to help support the parish. Registered parishioners can sign up to receive monthly offertory envelopes to help keep track of on-going giving. Envelopes are also available by the entrances of the doors. The amounts received will be included on the contribution report you receive at year end. We accept cash or checks. Checks can be made payable to Holy Archangels Parish.
Outside of weekly collections, donations of any size are gratefully accepted. They can be contributed in the collection basket at Mass or mailed to Holy Archangels Parish 729 Grand Canyon, Hoffman Estates, IL 60169. If you would like to make a donation or purchase something for the parish in memory of a loved one, please contact our pastor or our business office.
If you are over 72, you must take Minimum Required Distributions from your IRA or pay a stiff 50% tax penalty on the amount not taken. It may be tax advantageous to make donations directly from the IRA or 401K without actually taking possession of the funds before its transfer to the parish. Funds transferred from the IRA directly to the parish by check or wire transfer are considered Qualified Charitable Distributions ("QCD") which may be excluded from taxable income on the Federal and State of Illinois income tax returns up to $100,000 annually. QCD, if excluded from income, may not also be taken as a charitable deduction because the taxable income is already reduced.
Parishioners and friends of the parish can double their gift to Holy Archangels Parish if your employer has a Matching Gift Program. To find out if your employer offers this valuable benefit, please contact your organization’s human resources department.
If you are in a position to donate services, or are with an organization that has the expertise to help with a specific parish need, we would be very grateful. For example, the sound system in the lower level of the church was an in-kind gift that benefited us greatly. Please contact our pastor or business manager if you have something in mind.
Donating appreciated securities, held for more than one year, instead of cash can avoid capital gains taxes. The parish works through the Archdiocese of Chicago to accept gifts of stock or other securities. Click here to learn more and to complete the letter of intent to submit so that Archdiocese can notify Holy Archangels Parish of your gift.
This fund was established to support education activities of the parish. Contributions to the fund may be made by cash or check. There is a monthly envelope that can be used for this purpose, or an electronic payment can be made via GiveCentral. Or simply include a letter or note with your contribution explaining your intention to donate to the fund. Gifts from IRAs are also welcome and a generous way to help support this effort.
Click Here to Donate to the St. Hubert School Tuition Assistance Fund
Wills. You may wish to consider naming Holy Archangels Parish or the parish education endowment fund as a beneficiary of your will. You can do this by providing for either or both in your will or trust.
IRA or 401K Beneficiary Designation. You may also wish to designate Holy Archangels Parish as a beneficiary of your IRA or 401K for some or all of the remaining funds.
Life Insurance. Some parishioners include Holy Archangels Parish as a beneficiary on a life insurance policy.
Charitable Lead Trust and Charitable Remainder Trust. Drafted by a knowledgeable estate planning attorney, the Lead Trust provides an income stream from the trust to Holy Archangels Parish for a period of time. Afterwards the donor names beneficiaries of the trust (normally family members). A Charitable Remainder Trust allows an income stream for the donor but the trust assets are donated to Holy Archangels Parish when the estate is settled. If you would be interested in exploring these options, an estate planning attorney can help provide advice.
Tax ID number and How to Name Holy Archangels Parish in Your Planned Giving. The tax ID number and proper way to name Holy Archangels Parish in your planned giving is as follows:
With the sunset of the Invest in Kids Tax Credit Scholarship, thousands of Catholic school families cannot keep their kids in school. This program provided 24 scholarships to St. Hubert School students, totaling $130,925, and will directly affect students at our school.
Thankfully, supporting scholarships has never been easier. Click on the button below to make an online gift to the Archdiocese of Chicago and be sure to designate St. Hubert School as the recipient of your donation.
Gifts to this program are 100% tax deductible (as allowable by law).
Click here to make a donation to
Thank you for considering different ways to help support the mission of Holy Archangels Parish. We are committed to building up God’s people together, “through Him, with Him and in Him.”
“Rejoice in the Lord always . I shall say it again: Rejoice! Your kindness should be known to all."
(Phil 4:4-5)