Building up the Body of Christ with welcoming arms, loving hearts and joyful worship.
We are the first persons that people meet when they come to church. Our job is to make them feel welcome, wanted, valued, and special.
In addition, ushers provide the logistical services that allow the Mass to run smoothly and attend to the myriad details that are part and parcel of large gatherings.
We welcome people into the church and escort them to a pew as required. During the service, we are available to handle accidents or emergencies. At the proper time, we go down the aisles where we are stationed and take up the collection(s). We select the family or group for the presentation of the gifts at the Offertory and direct the flow of traffic during Communion. When the Mass is over, we hand out the bulletins and any other handouts and answer questions.
Outside of our Mass duties, we assist other ministries as needed and participate in other social or fundraising activities in the parish.
The only thing you need to bring to the job is a willingness to provide service.
The team Usher Captain usually handles training of individual ushers. If we have several new ushers, a special training session will be conducted. Updates to procedures or special requirements at Masses are handled by posting notices in the usher room or making phone calls to the Usher Captains.
Interested in becoming an usher but not sure you have time? Here’s what’s involved: you would need to get to Church approximately 20 minutes before Mass starts and stay until most of the congregation has left and the pews are straightened up.
You also will be invited to attend two formal meetings a year, just before Christmas and just before Easter, where we can discuss the upcoming services and enjoy a little socialization and food.
Please complete the form below or contact the Ministry Coordinator at
Ushers are always needed! For a small commitment of time you can provide an important service by setting a welcoming tone for our parish. Join the Usher Team today!