Dear Parishioners, as promised, you’re invited to be part of this exciting opportunity of naming the newly unified Parish. Please take some time to review the following information and to keep this process in your prayers. -Fr. Tim
The Unification Committee members will be available before and after the Masses they attend to answer questions regarding the voting for the Mass schedule. Please submit your paper or online ballot by Monday, November 13. Click here to vote online.
A few weeks ago, an announcement was shared in which a new weekday Mass schedule was shared, along with a new Adoration of the Holy Eucharist and Confessions schedule for St. Matthew & St. Hubert Parish. These changes are to occur beginning on Monday, November 6th. At this time, I need to make one amendment to that schedule: all weekday Masses at St. Matthew will be shifted from 8:30 AM to 8:00 AM during the weekdays.
The Unification Committee joyfully and confidently announces the naming of our Chair: Bob Jachnicki! Bob spoke at both Information Nights on October 25th. We are confident in his skills and temperament to help lead us.
The first major task of the Unification Committee for St. Matthew & St. Hubert Parish was to examine the current weekend Mass schedule, which includes nine Masses at two churches, discuss possibilities for a reduction in Masses and present to you two options for voting. After several meetings in which six possible Mass schedules were discussed, I prayerfully selected the two Mass options that you may vote on between November 4 – 13. It is our goal to initiate the Mass schedule on the First Sunday of Advent, December 2-3, the first weekend of the Church year. Please click here for more information or to cast your ballot.
Effective November 6, weekday Masses will be at 8:00 AM at St. Matthew Chapel on Monday, Wednesday and Thursdays; and at 8:30 AM at St. Hubert on Tuesday and Fridays. Confession and Adoration will be on Wednesdays from 4-6 PM in St. Matthew Chapel.
We are excited to announce the implementation of the SS. Matthew & Hubert Parish Unification Committee! The first order of business is adjusting the weekend Mass schedule. Although we are grateful for all the priests who have come and assisted us during this time, it is not feasible to continue with nine (9) Masses each weekend. Please look forward to more on that in the weeks soon to come.
Effective November 6, weekday Masses will be at 8:30 AM at St. Matthew Chapel on Monday, Wednesday and Thursdays; and St. Hubert on Tuesday and Fridays. Confession and Adoration will be on Wednesdays from 4-6 PM in St. Matthew Chapel.
Please join the unified parish of SS. Matthew & Hubert for an “Information Night" to pray together, learn about what is happening in our parish unification process, hear about how you can participate in next steps, and have time for a bit of Q&A. This will be offered at 4 PM at St. Matthew Church and 7 PM at St. Hubert Church—the information shared will be the same.
A few decisions have been made in consultation with the Unification Committee and the Parish Pastoral Staff that we can announce at this time. These decisions will hopefully help us to be a more unified community praying together and adoring Christ in the Eucharist as one parish. Our new Daily Mass Schedule will go into effect on Monday, November 6. Confession and Adoration change will go into effect on Wednesday November 8. Please read this article for complete details.
Effective immediately, Cardinal Blase Cupich has appointed Fr. Tim Fairman as the temporary Administrator of St. Matthew & St. Hubert Parish He will continue in his role as Pastor of St. Theresa Parish in Palatine. Fr. Tim will be meeting this week with our Vicar, Bishop Kevin Birmingham, who will highlight with Fr. Tim what he would ask of him in his role as Administrator. Please continue to pray for the repose of the soul of Fr. Mike Scherschel, and for Fr. Matt and the people of St. Matthew & St Hubert Parish. Please also be patient when making requests of Fr. Tim and Fr. Matt as they will be discerning how best to serve the needs of the parish during this challenging time for everyone.
In the Catholic Church, it's an abbreviation for "Saints." There are two capital "S"-es: one for St. Matthew and one for St. Hubert. With a double "S" at the beginning of the title, the word "Saint" doesn't have to be repeated twice. It may take some getting used to, that’s for sure, but the two “S”-es side by side is also a way to show we’re together.
Thank you to everyone who has already completed the Disciple Maker Index Survey, which you can find by opening this article. We’re in the final week. The survey just takes between 10-15 minutes, is anonymous, and will help us plan for the future. It’s a tool that will help us understand the needs of all of us at St. Hubert and St. Matthew as two families of faith come together. Thanks for being a part of it!