We are navigating uncharted waters: e-learning and working remotely from home; social distancing taking away everything from in-person Eucharistic worship to gym memberships; daily news ramping up fear and uncertainty. How are we supposed to raise a family in all of this?
This year, we’ll have to experience Holy Week and Easter in a different way. No, we won’t be able to be together in person, but we’ll unite through the power of prayer and the longing in heart to be with our community that feels like home. Please watch the website to learn more about how we’ll connect as a community of faith here at St. Hubert. If you haven’t had a chance to sign up for Flock Notes—a way to stay connected through email--now is the time! We’ll let you know what’s planned. We will travel to Jerusalem, to Golgotha, and will experience the resurrection together in a different way, but a spiritually meaningful way.