Our Thanksgiving Food Collection will be held on November 21st & 22nd. Non-perishable food items and gift cards will benefit St. Aloysius and our Parish Community Life Program. Please assist us with food donations that would complement any Family Thanksgiving Dinner. Donations of gift cards of $25 dollars are suggested to help those families purchase a turkey, ham or other food products to make a memorable Thanksgiving dinner. Thank you in advance for your generous donations helping less fortunate families.
We want to thank you for your continued and generous support of our parish. In this time of uncertainty due to the closing of all the churches because of the pandemic, we are certain of one thing – nothing will interfere with our faith and our love for our parishes. Receiving this donation from your parish is evident of this. It helps us to keep our doors open even when our physical doors are shut. We continue to serve the needy through our pantry. The restrictions on boundaries have been lifted temporarily and we have seen over 100 families come to our pantry on a weekly basis. We have been able to continue serving the area through drive up and curbside service.
Even though we had a cool, wet Sunday last week, the response to the Drive By/Drop-Off Sharing Parish Food Drive was a huge success! We were able to fill the truck from St. Al’s with food and provided over $750 in Jewel Food Cards to also be used by needy families at St. Al’s. So, on behalf of the Cecilia Rupert and the Sharing Parish Program, in collaboration with the Community Life Program, I want to thank you and ask God’s Blessing upon you and to keep you safe in the weeks ahead.
On Sunday, May 17 from 11 AM - TO 2 PM we have the opportunity to show our love of Christ and love for others---especially our sisters and brothers at St. Al’s, who are in need during these challenging times. We will have a drive-thru/drop-off site for food and Jewel gift cards at the Main Entrance of St. Hubert Church next Sunday. It will feel good to get out and touch base with our spiritual home again and share the love and generosity that God has shown us with our extended faith family at St. Al’s. Open this article to see suggested items for the food drive.
Thank you in the name of the families you have adopted, in the name of our church and the service center. Your contributions of time and Donations has provided not only an unforgettable Christmas for the children and dignity for the families but also an example of the true nature of Christmas.
The Wishing Tree is in the narthex for parishioners to take gift tags for children, families, and seniors in our area and at St. Al’s, our Sharing Parish in Chicago. Please read this article for specific on when gifts must be returned, wrapping and volunteer opportunities.
We urge you to bring as much healthy staple food as you can to help feed families in need. This is not just about providing a nice Thanksgiving meal. Food is needed by families to go beyond a one-day celebration. Please bring food items to the Narthex area in the church.
Coats, jackets, hats, scarves or gloves for adults and children are to be dropped off on that day only. In an effort to make it a more efficient process and more convenient for people, there will be a truck in the St. Hubert parking lot where people can drop off their coat donations for the immediate loading for delivery to St. Al’s
Mark your calendar for Saturday, October 5, 9:00 AM—Noon. Coats, jackets, hats, scarves or gloves for adults and children are to be dropped off on that day only.
Can you help with the St. Hubert Sharing Parish Picnic? Gently used or new prizes are needed for the picnic for both adults and kids. Donations for prizes can be dropped off at the Parish Ministry Center. Can you help on the day of the picnic?
Our Annual St. Hubert – St. Aloysius Sharing Parish Picnic is on August 10th. Please bring your new and/or gently used Donations to our Parish Ministry Center by August 6th.
Our Annual St. Hubert – St. Aloysius Sharing Parish Picnic is on August 10. Please bring your new and/or gently used Donations to our Parish Ministry Center by August 6 th.
Gently used or new prizes are needed for the picnic for both adults and kids. Donations for prizes can be dropped off at the Parish Ministry Center. Can you help on the day of the picnic? A sign up sheet is in the narthex were you can volunteer to help on the day of the picnic or volunteer by contacting MaryAnn Noonan.
Our Annual St. Hubert – St. Aloysius Sharing Parish Picnic is on August 10th. Please bring your new and/or gently used Donations to our Parish Ministry Center by August 6th.
Gently used or new prizes are needed for the picnic for both adults and kids. Donations for prizes can be dropped off at the Parish Ministry Center. Can you help on the day of the picnic? A sign up sheet is in the narthex were you can volunteer to help on the day of the picnic or volunteer by contacting MaryAnn Noonan 847-995-1822 or mnoonan856@att.net.
Thank you for your generous April sharing contribution. The parish family at St. Aloysius is most grateful to you and your parishioners for your continued support and generosity. We are very excited to be celebrating our 135th Anniversary with a Solemn Mass on Friday, June 21, and will also be having a 135th Anniversary Benefit Dinner Dance on the following day, Saturday, June 22. Please continue to keep us in your prayers and know that St. Hubert Parish and its parishioners are always in ours. May we always be one in admiration to our God.
On behalf of the families at St. Aloysius and St. Hubert, I want to thank you for your generosity in donating food and gift cards to help them celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday. I also want to thank the volunteers who helped sort and pack food for families here at St. Hubert and those who drove to deliver food for families at St. Aloysius. May God’s blessings be upon all of you during this holiday season.
This weekend is the beginning of Advent, and our Giving Tree is up in the narthex with tags for Christmas presents for those in need. Each tag has suggestions for gifts.
Each year we provide stuffed treat bags to our sharing parish, St. Aloysius, and other needy organizations each year. We need SMALL items that can fit into 8-inch treat bags, such as: Small toys and small beanie babies, new or gently used (Happy Meal toys are perfect); New items which you purchase (treat-bag sized prizes); Candy (even leftover Halloween Candy). Your generosity has been overwhelming in the past, and we ask for your help once again. Please bring donations to the Parish Office.