Human life is good and to be protected. All medical decisions ought to reflect this core belief. Yet some medical and legal documents used to define a patient’s future care can be harmful. It’s best to appoint a responsible, trustworthy person who understands and shares your Catholic values, and can apply them when the need arises.
The devastation of abortion brings with it many challenges. Often, the people who have participated in an abortion are unaware of the countless ways it is affecting their lives. God's grace can bring true healing.
The Knights of Columbus Council 6964 and the SS. Matthew and Hubert Respect Life Ministry invite you to join Catholics nationwide to pray the Respect Life Month Novena during the month of October. This special novena prays for the protection of human life, from conception to natural death. Each day of the novena features a different pro-life prayer intention which is accompanied by a short reflection and suggested actions to help build a culture of life.
LIFE CHAIN is a peaceful, prayerful public witness of pro-life Americans standing in honor of 60 million lives lost to abort ion, praying for our nation, for people in crisis situations and for an end to abortion. This event takes place Sunday, October 1 from 2—3 PM.
Baby Bottle Campaign 2023 THANK YOU!!! Our parish raised $6,837 to assist TLC Pregnancy Center/Life Choices with the services they provide to moms and babies. TLC is very grateful for your generosity! Thank you for helping to build a culture of life in our community. Please remember to keep all respect-life activities in your prayers! For more information about TLC, please visit their website at
The 1st of the 7 Themes of Catholic Social Teaching is Life and Dignity of the Human Person. The St. Hubert Respect Life Ministry, in response to the Gospel of Life, commits to prayer, education and action in defense of life.
For those interested in resources on racial equality, visit our website to find resources, including Cardinal George’s important pastoral letter to the Church in Chicago, Dwell in My Love. Written almost 20 years ago, it is a prophetic letter about “building bridges over the chasms that still divide us.”
I wanted to thank you and the parishioners of St. Hubert Church for your generous baby bottle campaign. This year St. Hubert raised an amazingly generous amount of $6,227.24, and we are so grateful, especially at this time with all our fundraising events having been postponed.
If you have a bottle for the Baby Bottle Project, it is time to bring the bottles back to St. Hubert next weekend, February 8th and 9th (with any amount of change). There will be members of Respect Life Ministry to assist you when you bring your bottle to Mass. Thank you!
Take home an empty baby bottle after Mass, fill it with your spare change, and return it to St. Hubert the weekend of February 8th & 9th to support women in crisis pregnancy.
Take home an empty baby bottle on the weekend of January 18th & 19th from Mass, fill it with your spare change, and return it to St. Hubert the weekend of February 8th & 9th to support women in crisis pregnancy.
Celebrate the human dignity of migrants this week as we celebrate National Migration Week (#NMW). Encourage those around you to know that #refugeeswelcome here. There are currently more than 70 million people around the world who have been forcibly displaced from their homes due to political instability, violence, and other reasons. We must continue to stand in solidarity with our refugee and migrant brothers and sisters. #RefugeesWelcome