St. Hubert Domestic Violence Outreach Ministry and St. Matthew Peace and Justice Ministry looks to raise awareness of the importation issue of domestic violence.
As a faith community, may we continue to stand in support of those suffering silently, those secretly carrying the social stigma of abuse; those who feel isolated, alone, and so ashamed of what is happening that they find it just about impossible to share the pain of their abuse.
Frequently those who suffer abuse, whether as a child or an adult, feel guilty or responsible for the abuse, and, consequently, may even feel shame and embarrassment. But we know that victims of abuse are not responsible for the abuse they have experienced. They did not cause the relationship to fail, but the attitude and behavior of their abuser did.
All relationships exist on a spectrum from healthy to abusive, with unhealthy in between. The relationship spectrum below can help you understand where your relationship possibly sits.
Elder financial abuse is a lesser known, but a critical component that abusers use to exert control over their victims. Local libraries and townships offer seminars on the latest possible scams. Take advantage of those seminars to become more informed.
Our ministry raises awareness of domestic violence by providing literature, education, and referrals to the proper agencies. Please help support us by stopping by our table in the narthex THIS WEEKEND. With each donation of $3 or more you will receive a coupon for a free Crumbl cookie (while supplies last). We are also hosting a Food, Supplies & Clothing Collection on THIS WEEKEND to benefit WINGS & JOURNEYS
Our ministry raises awareness of domestic violence by providing literature, education, and referrals to the proper agencies. Please help support us by stopping by our table in the narthex on MAY 20 & 21. With each donation of $3 or more you will receive a coupon for a free Crumbl cookie (while supplies last). We are also hosting a Food, Supplies & Clothing Collection on May 20 & 21 to benefit WINGS & JOURNEYS
‘The children had always been her reason to stay, but now for the first time, they were her reason to leave. She’d allowed violence to become a normal part of their life.’ Brought to you by the St. Hubert Domestic Violence Outreach Ministry
At any given moment you have the power to say this is not how the story is going to end. Never forget that walking away from something unhealthy is brave even if you stumble a little on your way out the door.
There are many resources available for abused and battered women, including crisis hotlines, shelters—even job training, legal services, and childcare. Start by reaching out today.
Fr. Charles Dahm. O.P. is a Dominican priest and the Archdiocesan Director of Domestic Violence Outreach. Fr. Chuck developed the largest parish-based domestic violence program in the United States. He is a frequent lecturer and preacher on domestic violence at over 50 parishes in the Archdiocese of Chicago.
While it is important to be on the lookout for the variety of scams targeting older adults, it is also important to know that most elder abuse is committed by family members. And, abuse by family members often goes beyond the financial to the emotional and even the physical. At the individual level, there are small steps we can all take to prevent and address elder abuse. Read on to learn more.
This week, we address the myths that the survivor did something to provoke the violence & most batterers simply lose control during violent incidents and do not know what they are doing.
Today we address the myths that domestic violence is often triggered by stress, for example, the loss of a job or some financial or marital problem & domestic violence is a less serious problem— less lethal—than "real" violence, like street crimes.