This beautiful, special season is a good time to recognize and thank our liturgical ministers - lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, altar servers and sacristans - as well as the unscheduled cadre of ushers who serve our Masses with such dedication and care. Our choir and music ministries, under the direction of Ed Magistrado, make the Masses truly shine. Please take a moment to thank a liturgical minister for this wonderful gift to you!
If you would like to provide a poinsettia or greens for the environment this Christmas season, click here to donate electronically or please fill out the forms in the narthex and bring it to the Parish Ministry Center or drop in the collection basket. Any donation is welcome and can be applied toward the seasonal decorations. Checks should be made out to St. Hubert Church.
If you would like to provide a poinsettia or greens for the environment this Christmas season, click here to donate electronically or please fill out the forms in the narthex and bring it to the Parish Ministry Center or drop in the collection basket. Any donation is welcome and can be applied toward the seasonal decorations. Checks should be made out to St. Hubert Church.
The 7th of the Catholic Church’s Seven Themes for Catholic Social Teaching is Care for God’s Creation. Our St. Hubert Parish family manifests God’s call to cultivate and care for the environment through the Environment & Art ministry, whose mission serves to foster good liturgy and create awareness of the holiness of the Mass. If you are interested in becoming part of a new Environmental ministry, please contact Deacon Allen Tatara.
This beautiful, special season is a good time to recognize and thank our liturgical ministers - lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, altar servers and sacristans - as well as the unscheduled cadre of ushers who serve our Masses with such dedication and care. Our choir and music ministries, under the direction of Ed Magistrado, make the Masses truly shine. Please take a moment to thank a liturgical minister for this wonderful gift to you!
If you would like to provide a poinsettia or greens for the environment this Christmas season, please fill out this form and bring to the Parish Ministry Center or drop in the collection basket. Any donation is welcome and can be applied toward the seasonal decorations.
In thanksgiving to all those who have donated flowers to fill our church with the beauty of the season. It is in loving memory of those whom our parishioners remember and love and who now live within the great promise of eternal life.
In thanksgiving to all those who have donated flowers to fill our church with the beauty of the season. It is in loving memory of those whom our parishioners remember and love and who now live within the great promise of eternal life.
If you would like to provide an Easter lily or flowering plant for the environment this Easter season, please fill out this form and bring it to the Parish Ministry Center, drop it in the collection basket, or donate online through GiveCentral on the website and select Easter Flowers. Easter flowers will remain in the church for the Easter season, through Pentecost, adding beauty to the liturgy and honoring your loved ones. Any donation is welcome and can be applied toward the seasonal decorations. Checks should be made out to St. Hubert Church.
If you would like to provide an Easter lily or flowering plant for the environment this Easter season, please fill out this form and bring it to the Parish Ministry Center, drop it in the collection basket, or donate online through GiveCentral on the website and select Easter Flowers. Easter flowers will remain in the church for the Easter season, through Pentecost, adding beauty to the liturgy and honoring your loved ones. Any donation is welcome and can be applied toward the seasonal decorations. Checks should be made out to St. Hubert Church.
We are looking for a few volunteers to help spruce up the Church for Easter. We will be cleaning the pews, wiping the windows, cleaning the dust bunnies between the kneelers, and a list of other general cleanup tasks. The crew will gather at 8:30 AM on Saturday, April 6th. There will be a sign-up sheet on the kiosk in the natrthex. We need a few supplies: rags, shop vacs, & extendable dusters.
If you would like to provide an Easter lily or flowering plant for the environment this Easter season, please fill out this form and bring it to the Parish Ministry Center, drop it in the collection basket, or donate online through GiveCentral on the website and select Easter Flowers. Easter flowers will remain in the church for the Easter season, through Pentecost, adding beauty to the liturgy and honoring your loved ones. Any donation is welcome and can be applied toward the seasonal decorations. Checks should be made out to St. Hubert Church.
If you would like to provide an Easter lily or flowering plant for the environment this Easter season, please fill out this form and bring it to the Parish Ministry Center, drop it in the collection basket, or donate online through GiveCentral on the website and select Easter Flowers. Easter flowers will remain in the church for the Easter season, through Pentecost, adding beauty to the liturgy and honoring your loved ones. Any donation is welcome and can be applied toward the seasonal decorations. Checks should be made out to St. Hubert Church.
This beautiful, special season is a good time to recognize and thank our liturgical ministers - lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, altar servers and sacristans - as well as the unscheduled cadre of ushers who serve our Masses with such dedication and care. Our choir and music ministries, under the direction of Ed Magistrado, make the Masses truly shine. Please take a moment to thank a liturgical minister for this wonderful gift to you! May God fill them with joy for their service, and may He inspire you, too, to join their ranks this coming year!
If you would like to provide a poinsettia or greens for the environment this Christmas season, please fill out this form and bring to the Parish Ministry Center or drop in the collection basket. Any donation is welcome and can be applied toward the seasonal decorations.Checks should be made out to St. Hubert Church.
If you would like to provide a poinsettia or greens for the environment this Christmas season, please fill out this form and bring to the Parish Ministry Center or drop in the collection basket. Any donation is welcome and can be applied toward the seasonal decorations.Checks should be made out to St. Hubert Church.
Join us as we spruce up the church at 9:00 AM on Saturday, March 24.. Many hands will lighten the load and pizza will be provided. There is a signup sheet in the narthex. Any amount of time given would be appreciated.
If you would like to provide an Easter lily or flowering plant for the environment this Easter season, please fill out this form and bring it to the Parish Ministry Center, drop it in the collection basket, or donate .online through GiveCentral on the website and select Easter Flowers. Easter flowers will remain in the church for the Easter season, through Pentecost, adding beauty to the liturgy and honoring your loved ones. Any donation is welcome and can be applied toward the seasonal decorations. Checks should be made out to St. Hubert Church.
If you would like to provide an Easter lily or flowering plant for the environment this Easter season, please fill out this form and bring it to the Parish Ministry Center, drop it in the collection basket, or donate online through GiveCentral. Flowers will remain in the church for the Easter season, through Pentecost, adding beauty to the liturgy and honoring your loved ones.