This beautiful, special season is a good time to recognize and thank our liturgical ministers - lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, altar servers and sacristans - as well as the unscheduled cadre of ushers who serve our Masses with such dedication and care. Our choir and music ministries, under the direction of Ed Magistrado, make the Masses truly shine. Please take a moment to thank a liturgical minister for this wonderful gift to you!
This beautiful, special season is a good time to recognize and thank our liturgical ministers - lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, altar servers and sacristans - as well as the unscheduled cadre of ushers who serve our Masses with such dedication and care. Our choir and music ministries, under the direction of Ed Magistrado, make the Masses truly shine. Please take a moment to thank a liturgical minister for this wonderful gift to you!
Saturday, October 19, at St. James Parish in Arlington Heights. A follow up session will take place in your parish that will include any practices specific to our parish.
Saturday, October 19, at St. James Parish in Arlington Heights. A follow up session will take place in your parish that will include any practices specific to St. Hubert.
Saturday, October 19, at St. James Parish in Arlington Heights. A follow up session will take place in your parish that will include any practices specific to your parish.
Saturday, October 19, at St. James Parish in Arlington Heights. A follow up session will take place in your parish that will include any practices specific to your parish.
Please send all unavailable dates for the months of June through August to Jackie Green no later than May 3rd. Jackie's email is
This beautiful, special season is a good time to recognize and thank our liturgical ministers - lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, altar servers and sacristans - as well as the unscheduled cadre of ushers who serve our Masses with such dedication and care. Our choir and music ministries, under the direction of Ed Magistrado, make the Masses truly shine. Please take a moment to thank a liturgical minister for this wonderful gift to you! May God fill them with joy for their service, and may He inspire you, too, to join their ranks this coming year!
Please send all unavailable dates for the months of December through February to Jackie Green no later than November 2nd. Her e-mail is
Saturday, November 17 at St. Theresa (455 N. Benton St. Palatine, IL ). Check in at 8:30 AM, Training from 9:00 AM—noon. A follow up session will take place at St. Hubert. It will include any particular practices for our parish.