It is always wonderful to have High Schoolers helping in the classrooms with the Religious Education program. Their witness and their influence are invaluable. They have been wholehearted in their participation, giving generously of their time and willing to do whatever was asked of them. Now, after four years, some of our High School Teens are moving on and, although we are sorry to lose them, we wish them well as they begin a new chapter in their lives. The remarkable qualities that they possess promise a bright future ahead.
Youth Ministry invites you to our Totally Awesome Get-Together for Teens tonight from 7:00—8:45 PM at Feed My Starving Children for all teens in grades 7-12.
What a lot of us don’t realize are the incredible acts of kindness and goodness that take place in our parish week after week, often silent and unseen. This past November, 6th graders went shopping and prepared a box of food so a family in need could enjoy a thanksgiving dinner. And just a few weeks ago, the same group prepared a meal to serve at the local PADS shelter for the homeless. Our teens are empowered to do these things, because our parishioners are giving their own time to instill it within them along with their families.
Join Youth Ministry for a Wednesday, Totally Awesome Get-Together for Teens on February 5 from 7:00—8:45 PM at Feed My Starving Children for all teens in grades 7-12.
Join us on Wednesday, December 4. We'll meet in the church lower level from 7:00-8:45 PM. All teens in grades 7-12 are invited--bring your friends. Bring a snack or your favorite Christmas cookies to share.
Several teens from St. Hubert will be making a pilgrimage to NCYC. The National Catholic Youth Conference (NCYC) is a fantastic opportunity for teens to strengthen their Catholic identity and meet other Catholic teens from around the U.S. Many teens say that their participation in NCYC is life-changing.Scholarships are needed to make this trip a reality for all teens hoping to attend. Please help to make this experience possible.
The National Catholic Youth Conference (NCYC) is the premiere national gathering of Catholic high school teens in the United States. It is a fantastic opportunity for teens to strengthen their Catholic identity and meet other Catholic teens from around the U.S. Many teens say that their participation in NCYC is life-changing. Several teens from St. Hubert will be making a pilgrimage to NCYC. Scholarships are needed to make this trip a reality for all teens hoping to attend. Please help to make this experience possible.
The National Catholic Youth Conference (NCYC) is the premiere national gathering of Catholic high school teens in the United States. Several teens from St. Hubert will be making a pilgrimage to NCYC. Please help to make this experience possible. Your contributions will allow the teens to experience presentations by leading speakers on issues including social justice, prayer, servant leadership, appropriate use of technology, the sacraments, cultural diversity, and transitioning to college. Youth Ministry will in the narthex after all Masses this weekend. Thank you for your support of our pilgrimage. You will be in our prayers as we travel and prepare. Please keep us in your prayers also.
Join us for Totally Awesome Get-Together for Teens on the 1st Wednesday of the Month from 7:00—8:45 PM in the Lower level of the church for all teens in grades 7-12.
Youth Ministry invites you to our Summer Totally Awesome Get-Togethers for Teens on Wednesdays from 7:00 - 9:00 PM in the church lower level starting on June 5.