Today at St Hubert Church, we celebrate the Rite for Entrance for the catechumenate and the Rite of Welcoming for baptized, but previously un-catechized adults, who are preparing for Confirmation and Eucharist or reception into the full communion of the Catholic Church
We just ask that you bring snacks (a suggestion is something salty and something sweet) for 12-15 people and stay for a couple of minutes to be introduced and just to say “Hi” on a Tuesday night around 7:00 PM.
Our sessions have begun, but it’s not too late to join us this Tuesday, September 26th at 7:00 PM. We welcome all inquiries and look forward to accompanying you soon. Sessions will be held at the St. Hubert Campus in the Parish Ministry Center (PMC)., September 26th at 7:00 PM.
We just ask that you bring snacks (a suggestion is something salty and something sweet) for 12-15 people and stay for a couple of minutes to be introduced and just to say “Hi” on a Tuesday night around 7:00 PM.
Our sessions began, but it is not too late to join us this Tuesday, September 19th at 7:00 PM. Call us today! We welcome all inquiries and look forward to accompanying you soon.
AMI is the place for you! Every year adults are welcomed into the Catholic Community through the OCIA process. It is a learning experience that will change your life and give your life new meaning and new direction. Our sessions have begun, but it is not too late to join us this Tuesday (September 12th) at 7:00 PM. Call us today! Sessions will be held at the St. Hubert Parish Ministry Center (PMC).
If you have a relative, friend or co-worker who has expressed interest in the church, this would be a great time to invite that person to explore the possibility of seeing whether the Roman Catholic faith community is for him or her. The first part of the 5-stage process is Inquiry – a time to ask questions and check out what the church has to offer. During this stage, Inquirers meet on Tuesday evenings at 7. Our sessions began August 29, but it is not too late to join us this Tuesday, September 5. Call us today?
It was customary for the newly baptized to wear their white robes for the full 50 days celebrating Easter. In fact, anyone who was a neophyte or long-baptized could wear this white garment publicly as a sign of their transformation.
During Lent, we are called to a keener awareness of the evils that stake their claim in our own lives. For the elect (those preparing for Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist), Lent is a period of “purification and enlightenment.” During this season, they come face to face with the powers of evil around them and within them. The Scrutinies will be at the Noon Mass on 3/12, 10 AM Mass on 3/19, and 8 AM on 3/26. Please feel free to take a sheet with their photos and names from the OCIA Kiosk in the Narthex. Pray for one or all of them during this Lenten season. We also encourage you to write a note to them and place it in the box on the kiosk.
During the Lenten season, the Catechumens (those awaiting baptism) and the Candidates (already baptized) will first be “sent” to the Cathedral in Chicago to celebrate the Rite of Election. The Catechumens specifically will be welcomed to the Church and become the “Elect.” For our group, this happened last Sunday.
Have you thought about becoming Catholic? God calls us in many different ways - often through a friend or spouse, our children, a beautiful sunset, an inspiring story. Other times, we may hear God's call during a crisis. Sometimes, we just have a restless feeling that something is missing. No matter what, the Church's hope and prayer is that when God calls you, you will call us.
The love, joy and peace that Jesus brought into the world are always present. Even if we have been away from the Church, God is continually inviting us to dwell in his love and presence. Have you and your family been "away" from the Catholic Church? Is your family trying to find its way back? Now would be a great time to make a new connection with the Catholic Church.
Why are those in Adult Ministry of Initiation (AMI) and Children’s Ministry of Initiation (CMI) dismissed at Mass? Read on to learn about the Word and the Assembly.
During last Sunday’s 10:00 AM liturgy two adults and one child participated in the Rite of Welcome and Acceptance. They publicly declared their intention to seek baptism or full communion with the Catholic Church. The public declaration of faith by those seeking admission to our community can be a powerful support to our own faith. They remind us to probe anew and so welcome and accept more deeply in our own lives, “the immeasurable riches of grace in God’s kindness to us in Christ Jesus.” Please read their bios and continue to pray for them.
During this Sunday’s 10:00 am liturgy, 2 adults and 1 child are participating in the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA). They will publicly declare their intention to seek baptism or full communion with the Catholic Church. The public declaration of faith by those seeking admission to our community can be a powerful support to our own faith. They remind us to probe anew and so welcome and accept more deeply in our own lives, “the immeasurable riches of grace in God’s kindness to us in Christ Jesus.” Please continue to pray for them.
Adult Ministry of Initiation (AMI) may be the place for you! OCIA stands for the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults and it is the process through which people join or complete their initiation into the Catholic Church. If you are interested in learning more about the Catholic Church, either to become a member or as a sponsor to deepen and enrich your knowledge, contact Marie Staffa.
Do you desire to share your Catholic faith? Do you feel called to walk with people on their spiritual journey? The St. Hubert Community invites you to be a sponsor companion for those coming into the Catholic Church! There is no level of knowledge required! As long as you’re a practicing, fully initiated Catholic you’re in!