A sharing circle is an opportunity to deepen your spiritual life in a supportive, nurturing group. It is a time to listen to each other—deeply and intentionally—with open hearts and minds in trust, caring and belonging. A Sharing Circle will meet online for about an hour to share and reflect on the playlist topic of Hope. Sharing Circles are scheduled for Wednesdays: January 20 and February 10 at 7:00 PM. You don’t need to attend all of them, come when you are available.
This month the topic is lament. Please join us as we ponder this theme as a parish community, because during these last seven months there has been much to lament. We look forward to hearing your thoughts and experiences with lament.
This is a way to explore faith in a new way. We’ll provide a monthly topic with a menu of options—a playlist—for exploring that topic. Activities may include videos, scripture, prayers, books, activity ideas and links to additional resources. You can choose to explore them all or just a couple that appeal to you. Look at our first topic coming next week.
Patrick McCaskey presents this special evening of reflection "The Ten Commandments of Football" & "If the Apostles had Played Football" on Wednesday, February 5 from 7-9 PM in the church lower level.
Patrick McCaskey presents this special evening of reflection "The Ten Commandments of Football" & "If the Apostles had Played Football" on Wednesday, February 5 from 7-9 PM in the church lower level.
Patrick McCaskey presents this special evening of reflection "The Ten Commandments of Football" & "If the Apostles had Played Football" on Wednesday, February 5 from 7-9 PM in the church lower level.
Patrick McCaskey presents this special evening of reflection "The Ten Commandments of Football" & "If the Apostles had Played Football" on Wednesday, February 5 from 7-9 PM in the church lower level.
Patrick McCaskey presents this special evening of reflection "The Ten Commandments of Football" & "If the Apostles had Played Football" on Wednesday, February 5 from 7-9 PM in the church lower level.
The Bread Monk, Fr. Dominic Garramone, OSB brings his talent, personality and humor to St. Hubert TODAY from 10 AM to Noon at the St. Hubert Parish Ministry Center.
Fr. Dominic Garramone, OSB brings his talent, personality and humor to St. Hubert on Saturday, November 23 from 10 AM to Noon at the St. Hubert Parish Ministry Center. Reservations are suggested.
Fr. Dominic Garramone, OSB brings his talent, personality and humor to St. Hubert on Saturday, November 23 from 10 AM to Noon at the St. Hubert Parish Ministry Center. Reservations are suggested.
Saint Hubert Café Ministry members want to know what’s on your mind. Speak up! Don’t be shy. Bring your ideas, suggestions, and even your questions to a meeting on Wednesday, May 22 at 6:30 PM when planning begins for next year’s Café agenda. We will meet in the Bernardin Room at the Parish Ministry Center. All are welcome.
Saint Hubert Café Ministry members want to know what’s on your mind. Speak up! Don’t be shy. Bring your ideas, suggestions, and even your questions to a meeting on Wednesday, May 22 at 6:30 PM when planning begins for next year’s Café agenda. We will meet in the Bernardin Room at the Parish Ministry Center. All are welcome.
Saint Hubert Café Ministry members want to know what’s on your mind. Speak up! Don’t be shy. Bring your ideas, suggestions, and even your questions to a meeting on Wednesday, May 22 at 6:30 PM when planning begins for next year’s Café agenda. We will meet in the Bernardin Room at the Parish Ministry Center. All are welcome.