The Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick is intended for those who are ill. The illness need not be life-threatening to receive the sacrament. Today it is a common practice for people to be anointed if they are suffering from a chronic disease or addiction and wish to receive the special grace of this sacrament. Please sign in at a table in the Narthex.
The Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick is intended for those who are ill. The illness need not be life-threatening to receive the sacrament. Today it is a common practice for people to be anointed if they are suffering from a chronic disease or addiction and wish to receive the special grace of this sacrament. Please sign in at a table in the Narthex next Sunday.
The communal celebration of the sacrament of Anointing of the Sick was held last Sunday at the 6:00 PM Mass. This celebration calls for the collaboration and services of a number of people. A special gratitude to all who participated – whether you received the anointing or prayed for those who were being blessed and prayed over.
The Anointing of the Sick will be celebrated at our weekend liturgy on Sunday, October 13 at the 6:00 PM Mass. Please join us! Whether you want to receive the sacrament yourself or pray with and for those who are receiving it, we invite your participation in this liturgy.
Join us on Sunday, October 13 at the 6:00 PM Mass. Those suffering from serious illnesses, whether physical or psychological, those facing surgery, or dealing with the limitations of aging are encouraged to receive the sacrament. It is open to those in need of physical and spiritual strengthening as they deal with health crises, no matter what their age. Caregivers are also welcome to receive the sacrament to aid them in their care of their loved ones.
On Sunday, October 21st at the 12:15 PM Mass, the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick will be celebrated. Those suffering from serious illnesses, whether physical or psychological, those facing surgery or dealing with the limitations of aging are encouraged to receive the sacrament. It is open to those in need of physical and spiritual strengthening as they deal with health crises, no matter their age. Caregivers are also welcome to receive the sacrament to aid them in their care of their loved ones.
The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick will be celebrated on Sunday, April 22nd at the 9:00 AM Mass. Please alert relatives and neighbors to the possibility of receiving this sacrament. Even if you will not be present for these liturgies, remember to pray for the sick of the parish.
Sunday, February 19th at the 9:00 AM Mass One of the Church’s most beautiful and consoling rituals, this sacrament keeps the Church’s promise: “We will not abandon you” in your sickness, suffering, weakness, or struggle. Please join us! Whether you want to receive the sacrament yourself or pray with and for those who are receiving it, we invite your participation in this liturgies.
Sunday, February 19th at the 9:00 AM Mass. Whether you want to receive the sacrament yourself or pray with and for those who are being anointed, you are invited to participate.
Sunday, February 19th at the 9:00 AM Mass. The Sacrament of Anointing is extended to those who are experiencing a physical, emotional, or spiritual challenge. In this Sacrament the priest lays hands on the one requesting healing, prays over them in the faith of the Church, and anoints them with oil blessed by the bishop.
The Anointing of the Sick will be celebrated at our weekend liturgy on Sunday October 9th at the 6:00 PM Mass. One of the Church’s most beautiful and consoling rituals, this sacrament keeps the Church’s promise: “We will not abandon you” in your sickness, suffering, weakness, or struggle.
A communal celebration of the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick will occur on Sunday October 9th at the 6:00 PM Mass. Please mark your calendar and join us.
Sunday, October 9th at the 6:00 PM Mass, the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick will be celebrated. Those suffering from serious illnesses, whether physical or psychological, those facing surgery, or dealing with the limitations of aging are encouraged to receive the sacrament. It is open to those in need of physical and spiritual strengthening as they deal with health crises, no matter what their age. Caregivers are also welcome to receive the sacrament to aid them in their care of their loved ones.