In the Catholic Church, it's an abbreviation for "Saints." There are two capital "S"-es: one for St. Matthew and one for St. Hubert. With a double "S" at the beginning of the title, the word "Saint" doesn't have to be repeated twice. It may take some getting used to, that’s for sure, but the two “S”-es side by side is also a way to show we’re together.
We welcome skilled, as well as new, stitchers. We look forward to prayerfully working toward God’s ever-present love and fellowship through the Prayer Shawl Ministry. We gather the first Sunday on each month, 1-2:30 PM in the Parish Ministry Center on the St. Hubert Campus. We start back up on Sunday, September 10 (second Sunday of the month because of Labor Day).
Register Now for Fall Classes (September—April) ● Wednesday 4:00-5:30 PM or ● Saturday 9:00-10:30 AM for grades K-6. ● Sunday evening 7:20-9:00 p.m. for grades 7 & 8
The Helping Hands Ministry was formed to assist members in our parish, free of charge, in various ways: Rides to appointments grocery store, or Mass; Relieving a caregiver by sitting with homebound family member; Handy work or yard work; Housework/cleaning; Meals for those recovering from illness; Just ask!
To Be Joyful Again, a non-denominational support group for those who have lost a spouse or intended life partner, meets the 1st and 3rd Thursday of every month at 7 PM at Holy Family Parish, 2515 Palatine Road, Inverness. Come get the support you need in this difficult time.
The Baptism team needs help! We need extra hands to help with Sunday Baptisms. It will not take a lot of your time and I promise you will find it rewarding.
Welcome Summer Fun! Last week we met some new friends and reconnected with some of our Preschool and Kindergarten families that joined us to welcome summer with music, a craft, and play time. in the
Preparation for Adult Confirmation will be offered weekly on Mondays beginning Monday, September 19, 2023 from 7-9pm, at St. Edna Parish, 2525 N. Arlington Heights Rd. in Arlington Heights.
Whether your family is just entering the Church or returning to the practice of the Catholic Faith, all are welcome to inquire about sacramental preparation through the OCIA Process (Formerly known as RCIA). This is the process by which unbaptized young people of the age of reason come into the Church. (Infant Baptism is only for those children under the age of reason.) Older children who are already baptized, but who are uncatechized, also can prepare to celebrate the sacraments of Confirmation and Holy Eucharist together with their peers during the Easter Vigil or at a Rite of Full Communion.
You may have questions about how one "joins" the Catholic Church as an active, participating member. Maybe you are seeking to discover if Catholicism would enrich your life and enliven your spirituality. If yes, then AMI is the place for you! We welcome all seekers in every stage of your journey. This is a no pressure atmosphere for persons to freely share, listen, and learn with others. We welcome all inquiries and look forward to accompanying you soon.
After many years of dedicated service to our parish, Lynn is retiring. She has been our Religious Education Secretary, an integral member of our bereavement ministry, and such an important part of so much that goes on here at St. Hubert.