Please plan to join us for a traditional pancake, egg and sausage breakfast on Sunday, May 7 for $10.00 per person or $30.00 per family of four. Donut holes, juice and coffee will also be available. Tickets on Sall after morning Masses today. Proceeds to benefit the St. Hubert School Tuition Assistance Fund
The Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick is intended for those who are ill. The illness need not be life-threatening to receive the sacrament. Today it is a common practice for people to be anointed if they are suffering from a chronic disease or addiction and wish to receive the special grace of this sacrament. Please sign in at a table in the Narthex.
Fr. Mike reflects on the voice of the Good Shepherd as we travel through the Easter Season. Congratulations to our First Communicants and our Seminarians as they prepare to take off for summer break. And, if you have time, stop by for a pancake breakfast next Sunday at the Parish Ministry Center. It’s a great deal: $10 for one; $30 for families of 4 or more.
Don't miss your chance to browse the items and make your bids! Find a bargain! Learn to fly! Bid on a unique experience. Improve your golf game. All proceeds benefit St. Hubert Catholic School.
Our students had a chance to visit the "Man in the Shroud" traveling exhibit of a replica of the Shroud of Turin that was displayed in the narthex of the church. Now Enrolling Preschool - 8th Grade for the 2023-2024 School Year.
Dine in or take out between 11 AM - 9 PM and a percentage of the bill will generously be donated back to the charitable works of Council 6964. Tell your family, friends and co-workers!
For centuries, the Catholic Church has set aside the entire month of May to honor Mary, the Mother of God. Every Friday morning at 8:00 AM, we gather in church to pray the rosary before the 8:30 AM Mass. It would be wonderful if you could join us in this beautiful prayer. If you are unable to join us, perhaps you could find time to pray the rosary at home. You can pray the rosary along with a recording featuring St. Hubert Parishioners, which can be found on the St. Hubert website under Devotional Prayers.
The Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick is intended for those who are ill. The illness need not be life-threatening to receive the sacrament. Today it is a common practice for people to be anointed if they are suffering from a chronic disease or addiction and wish to receive the special grace of this sacrament. Please sign in at a table in the Narthex next Sunday.
Our objectives and programs provide every Catholic man with meaningful ways to serve our church, community and neighbors. Visit us… Like us… Join us… Like us on Facebook
Fr. Mike reflects on the gospel with Companions on the Way and Spiritual Companions. Please congratulate our 14 new initiates to the Catholic faith and consider joining us for Anointing of the Sick at 10 AM on April 30.
Browse the items and make your bids! Find a bargin! Learn to fly! Bid on a unique experience. Improve your golf game. All proceeds benefit St. Hubert Catholic School.
Card will be available in the Narthex of the Church this weekend after the 4:30 PM, 8 AM, 10 AM and Noon Masses to remember the Mothers in your life, living and deceased. The card will let your Mom know that her intentions will be remembered at all the Masses on Mother’s Day weekend. You may want to remember the Mother of a friend, or family member, who has passed away with a special card. We ask only for a free-will donation.
Baby Bottle Campaign 2023 THANK YOU!!! Our parish raised $6,837 to assist TLC Pregnancy Center/Life Choices with the services they provide to moms and babies. TLC is very grateful for your generosity! Thank you for helping to build a culture of life in our community. Please remember to keep all respect-life activities in your prayers! For more information about TLC, please visit their website at