We invite you to join us for a spirit-filled evening of prayer, song and silence on Thursday, March 2 from 7-8:15 PM in the church. Reflect upon the Lenten calling for prayer, fasting and almsgiving. Individual confessions will also be available.
We'll be reading Walk in Her Sandals by Kelly M. Wahlquist. Join us upstairs in the Parish Ministry Center for 6 weeks on Thursday mornings from 10:30 AM—Noon for prayer and discussion starting on Thursday, March 2. You'll need to purchase the book from your favorite bookseller and read the first chapter before our first meeting.
Join us for a personalized resume review at 6 in the Parish Ministry Center, followed by "Into the Great Unknown" at 7. Learn how to use your skills, talents, and capabilities to achieve your professional objectives.
This Lenten Season, we’re reflecting as a parish on the sign of the cross, not just as a symbol of our faith or a mark drawn in ashes on our forehead, but as an entrance into prayer. We’ve asked parishioners to share some of their own observations. This reflection is from Christopher Severin, our Interim Music Director, pianist and parishioner:
During this sacred season, we will intentionally slow down so that we can pay closer attention to our relationship with God, our neighbors and our planet. Reflect on how the pillars of prayer, fasting and almsgiving can guide your journey for a more enriching Lenten experience. How can practicing these pillars help you to live in solidarity with our sisters and brothers around the world?
Our 8th graders took part in the National History Day Competition. Students had to develop an original thesis about the historical theme of frontiers, conduct research, and create either an exhibit or a documentary. Some may go on to the regionals during the first week of March. Thank you to all who attended our Preschool Stay & Plays and Early Childhood Information Night. We look forward to welcoming our next generation of Knights.
The Disciple Maker Index (DMI) Survey is a great way to reflect on your own spiritual growth while helping us plan for the future. Please complete this short, 10-15 minute survey. This survey is only available until March 31. We ask you to consider your spiritual growth and provide feedback to help us determine what efforts we can provide to help you grow. All responses are anonymous and we will only receive information about the community as a whole
Please complete this short, 10-15 minute survey, which will be available until March 31. It will ask you to consider your spiritual growth and provide feedback to help us determine what efforts we can provide to help you grow. All responses are anonymous and we will only receive information about the community as a whole. Thank you for helping us prepare for the future!
In the past few weeks, Cardinal Blase J. Cupich, archbishop of Chicago, the archdiocese’s auxiliary bishops, and the archdiocese’s Presbyteral Council met to discuss the Commission’s recommendation. Based upon those discussions and prayerful consideration, Cardinal Cupich made the following decisions regarding the parish structure in this grouping.