Saint Hubert Parish is currently involved in an Archdiocese of Chicago program called Renew My Church. All four parishes have been recently involved in discussions about how our four parishes could be structured so that we can best serve the needs of the area and our school. After initial discussions with the four parishes, we met with our parish leaders last Thursday to get their input. You are invited to open up the discussion to anyone interested in learning more and providing feedback. We hope you'll be able to join us.
Our Parish Town Hall meeting is on Monday, September 26 at 7 PM here in the church. It’s an opportunity to take a look at the different scenarios that the Archdiocese has asked us to respond to and discuss for the parishes in our Hoffman Estates/Schaumburg Community. There will be an opportunity to provide written feedback as well as to talk it through.
We continue the conversations that have been taking place about the future of our four parishes here in the Hoffman Estates/Schaumburg Community. We met with our Parish Leaders this past Thursday to get their input (the Parish Pastoral Council, Finance Committee, School Board, and Parish Staff). We’ll meet on Monday, September 19 at Saint Matthew to continue our discussions. Please plan on joining us on Monday, September 26 at 7 PM for our Parish Town Hall for an opportunity to learn more.
Saint Marcelline will host the four parishes on September 12. We’ll be talking about some different ways our parishes could be structured to best serve all those in our grouping. Each parish will then take all that’s discussed and present it to their parish leadership councils. Our parish leadership meeting with the Parish Pastoral Council, Finance Council, School Advisory Board and Staff will be on Thursday, September 15. Our wider Parish Town Hall meeting is Monday, September 26.
On September 17 & 18, in place of our monthly food and gift card drive, we will be holding a drive for donations to Kolbe House Jail Ministry, which is an outreach ministry of the Archdiocese of Chicago. Please consider making a donation.
Children who have been exposed to domestic violence often learn destructive lessons about the use of violence and power in relationships in addition to the physical, behavioral, psychological, and cognitive effects. These lessons can have a powerful negative effect on children in social situations and relationships throughout childhood and in later life.
Adult Ministry of Initiation (AMI) may be the place for you! OCIA stands for the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults and it is the process through which people join or complete their initiation into the Catholic Church. If you are interested in learning more about the Catholic Church, either to become a member or as a sponsor to deepen and enrich your knowledge, contact Marie Staffa.
At St. Hubert, we pride ourselves on being welcoming. One of the things that those joining the church enjoy the most at our Tuesday night Adult Ministry of Initiation sessions is meeting parishioners when they stop in to say hello and to share treats. We are looking for people to bring a simple snack for 8-10 people and to stay for a couple of minutes to say, “Hi!” Anyone is welcome to share--and we love it when the whole family comes. We ask you to come and 7:00 PM and stay for a few minutes. There are Tuesday nights available from now until May, so you can pick a day that's convenient for you. Click here to sign up online.
Our first meeting of the fall season will be on next Sunday, September 11th at 1:15 PM in the Dorothy Day Room at the Parish Ministry Center.Our first meeting of the fall season will be on next Sunday, September 11th at 1:15 PM in the Dorothy Day Room at the Parish Ministry Center. We provide yarn and fleece. We will even teach you how to make these shawls. Our meetings are filled with joy, prayer, and fellowship. Won't you consider joining our dedicated group?
Do you desire to share your Catholic faith? Do you feel called to walk with people on their spiritual journey? The St. Hubert Community invites you to be a sponsor companion for those coming into the Catholic Church! There is no level of knowledge required! As long as you’re a practicing, fully initiated Catholic you’re in!
Sponsors are needed for our 43rd Annual Track-A-Thon. Proceeds will fund school improvements, such as updating curriculum, ongoing technology improvements and upkeep, teacher professional development and tuition assistance. Scan the QR code to become a sponsor.
Join us for a weekly Bible Study series on Tuesday Mornings from September 20 thru November 15, from 9:30 AM – 11:30 AM in the Parish Ministry Center. Study Materials Cost $12. Pre-registration requested by Sept 10th so we can order study materials.
Do you have an older child who has not been baptized? Do you have a son or daughter who is past the age of seven/eight who has not received First Communion? Children's Ministry of Initiation (CMI) at St. Hubert is designed for those children who are un-baptized or un-catechized. Together with their parents, children attend classes. CMI takes the children through a four step process beginning with the "Inquiry period," where the families get to know one another and share their experiences of God and church. Classes begin October 23, 2022.
Choirs will start rehearsing and singing again this week. Please contact Ed Magistrado for more information or to sign up at
Our four parishes met up, once again here at Saint Hubert, this past Monday to talk about the realities of the area, our Catholic presence, and the strengths and challenges of each parish. We were also able to take the parish teams on a tour of our school to talk about the good things happening there. We’ll meet next on September 12 to talk about some different ways our parishes could be structured to best serve all those in our grouping.
Mundelein Seminary has assigned us two new seminarians as part of their Tolton Teaching Parish Program. Just like we traveled with Fathers Tom Heathershaw, Ryan Brady and David Jameson in their seminary years, we’ll be able to journey with both JohnPaul Stedwill and Jonathan Puckett. It’s a true blessing for our parish to be entrusted with this part of their seminary formation.
Save the date for Saturday, November 12 following the 4:30 PM Mass. If you are interested in running an ethnic food booth please let us know. At this point we are looking for someone to coordinate the Irish and Hispanic booths. We also have space for any new group. If you are interested in helping set-up or work at the event, contact us or put you name on the volunteer list in the Narthex.
The children involved in this process of Religious Education receive their sacraments at the Easter Vigil in the second year of participation in CMI. Immediate preparations are now underway for our CMI sessions to begin in October.
Are you an adult who has not celebrated the sacrament of Confirmation? Preparation Sessions begin on Monday, September 12, 2022. Please read the article for complete details.