St. Hubert School is looking to fill the following positions: Lunch Supervisors, Technology Teacher, Spanish Teacher and Director of Extended Day Program.
We are just starting out on what will be a long journey – and there is so much that needs to be done. I strongly encourage you to look into our Community Outreach ministries at the parish and get involved. In the coming weeks, we will be providing more information on the 7 Themes of Catholic Social Teaching and how our parish is responding to each of these themes.
A heart-felt “thank you” to all those who took the time out of their day to donate blood at our 13th Annual Gayle Photikarm Blood Drive on June 5th organized by the Knights of Columbus. We received 49 units of blood which will potentially save 147 lives!
Adult Ministry of Initiation (AMI) may be the place for you! We are scheduling interviews for those thinking about joining the Catholic Church or Adult Catholics wishing to complete the Sacraments of Initiation.
Join us at 7 PM in the PMC Club Room or on Zoom to learn how to Energize Your Job Search Using Your New LinkedIn Profile. Newcomers are invited to an in person Job Seeker's Exchange at 6 PM.
Our parish, like all parishes of the Archdiocese of Chicago, is participating in a process of renewal called Renew My Church. We cannot assume that faith will automatically be handed on to a new generation. We must proclaim the Gospel in new ways; to renew the Church.
The Catholic community at St. Hubert Parish is always ready to receive anyone truly seeking to find a Christian home in which to grow in their spiritual life. Jesus invites each of us into a relationship with him.
This process allows families with children to join other families who are seeking to become closer to God. St. Hubert ministers to the whole family as their children journey toward baptism, confirmation, Eucharist or full reception into the Catholic Church. Session start in October.
Thanks to the Knights of Hoffman-Schaumburg Council, Mike Sulentic, Ryan Skinder and other volunteers and the parishioners of St. Hubert for another successful monthly Food Drive. Your donations benefited the Church of the Holy Spirit food pantry and gift cards totaled $270. Our next Food & Jewel Gift Cards Drive will be June 18 &19
Tonight's program, "The Gig Economy: How to Generate Revenue Until You Land That Dream Job, " begins at 7 in the Parish Ministry Center Club Room or on Zoom. A Job Seeker's Exchange will be held at 6 PM for newcomers.
Over the past six years, the Archdiocese of Chicago has been engaged in a renewal process called “Renew My Church.” It is a big undertaking that is having us look at how to make our parishes vibrant and sustainable as we head into the future amid a more and more secular society. It is a movement based in the Holy Spirit and requires much discernment, discussion and possibly a new way to work together.
The week we had a Spring Musical Performance featuring our kindergarten through fifth grade students singing, dancing and acting in numbers from Frozen, Peter Pan, Moana, Beauty and the Beast, and Encanto. Grades 4-8 went on a field trip to Feed My Starving Children, where they packed 19,400 meals, filling 90 boxes - that's enough to feed 53 children for a year! What a wonderful display of our mission: Impacting the world through Christ • Compassion • Service • Perseverance
The Helping Hands Ministry was formed to assist members in our parish, free of charge, in various ways. To request assistance or to volunteer, please contact the St. Hubert front desk: 847-885-7700, ext. 102 and your request will be shared with the Helping Hands Coordinator.
Please plan to join us for a traditional pancake, egg and sausage breakfast on June 12, 7:30 AM- 12:00 PM in the Parish Ministry Center for a nominal cost of ONLY $5.00 per person or $15.00 per family of four. Donut holes, juice and coffee will also be available. Advance tickets go on sale after Sunday morning Masses . Proceeds to benefit the St. Hubert School Tuition Assistance Fund.