While it is important to be on the lookout for the variety of scams targeting older adults, it is also important to know that most elder abuse is committed by family members. And, abuse by family members often goes beyond the financial to the emotional and even the physical. At the individual level, there are small steps we can all take to prevent and address elder abuse. Read on to learn more.
Come enjoy, Open Bar, Dinner, Santa's Arrival, Carols, Games, Dance and more on Saturday, December 3 from 5-10 PM in the Parish Ministry Center. Pre-registration is required.
MEN4JESUS is an opportunity for the men from the local parishes to get together to build a faith-filled brotherhood and reflect upon and improve our current Catholic spiritual lives. Our next meeting is on December 10 and the topic is Leadership.
St. Viator & St. Edward High Schools are accepting registration for entrance exams for the 2023-2024 year. Exams are held on December 3. Read on for more information
The topic of tonight's meeting is to help job seekers who have specific questions on interviewing strategy to develop and practice interview responses, strengthening their candidacy for successful consideration in the hiring process. Newcomers are welcome to join us at 6 for a Job Seeker's Exchange.
Our students, staff and FSA prepared a beautiful ceremony to honor our veterans. Our band and choir performed, the first and second graders sang “You’re a Grand Ole’ Flag,” and some of our eighth graders shared their Patriot Pen Essays. A very special thank you to VFW Post 5151 for the presentation of and retirement of the colors. Thank you to all who attended. God bless our veterans!
Join us on November 28 for an Interview Strategy Session. This session will help job seekers who have specific questions on interviewing strategy to develop and practice interview responses, strengthening their candidacy for successful consideration in the hiring process. This session will allow participants to ask questions and learn from each other.
Troops 399 & 399G will be selling 24-inch balsam wreaths for $25 after all Masses this weekend. The funds raised will go toward camping gear, advancement awards and operational fees for our Troops. We thank the St Hubert Community for their continued support.
Donations will benefit St. Aloysius our sharing parish and our local needy. Your non-perishable Thanksgiving Food donations will enhance any Turkey, or Ham family dinner. Gift cards are also welcome.
Here at St. Hubert School, 26 kids remain on our waitlist hoping for a scholarship. Help us get more kids off the waitlist and into our classrooms. If you make your donation between between Dec. 1 and March 31st, 2023, your donation will be doubled through the Archdiocese of Chicago’s 1 for 1 Matching program. And, an individual receives a 75% state tax credit on donations. For example, if a person donates $10,000, they will receive a state tax credit of $7,500. And, an individual receives a 75% state tax credit on donations. For example, if a person donates $10,000, they will receive a state tax credit of $7,500. Scan for info.
St. Hubert Students win at the Hoffman Estates Utility Commission Energy Challenge Contest! The finalists were honored at an award ceremony at the Hoffman Estates Public Works Building on Saturday, November 5 and all received gift cards courtesy of the Utility Commission. Join us in Discover Catholic Schools Week November 13-19.
The funds raised will go toward camping gear, advancement awards and operational fees for our Troops. We thank the St Hubert Community for their continued support.
Join us TONIGHT for a presentation to help parents understand their children's pressures and stressors on November 16. You will receive strategies to teach your child to overcome anxiety and tips to help you help them. There will also be time for questions. Presented by Amanda Paben, a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) at Heritage Counseling Center who is passionate about providing counseling services to children and adolescents, parents and families.
Join us for this opportunity for men from the local parishes to get together to build a faith-filled brotherhood and reflect upon and improve our current Catholic spiritual lives. The Into the Breach series challenges us to seek greatness and enhance our character marked by integrity, faithfulness and courage. It is a call to battle for Catholic men, urging us to embrace masculine, faith-filled virtues in a world at crisis.
St. Hubert is restarting the Altar Server program! Training will be held in the Church tonight, Monday, November 14th; 6:00 – 7:30 PM and Saturday, November 19th; 1:00 – 2:30 PM. All servers will be asked to attend one of the training sessions above.
Tonight's meeting topic is the First 10 Days of Your New Job at 7 PM. Newcomers are welcome to join us at 6 PM. Also, consider joining us for a Resume Review on November 19.
The work of our four parish’s Feedback and Discernment Process has been completed. A report team, which included a representative from each parish, completed a Feedback Summary Report over a period of about a month as the entire group had a chance to weigh in about the scenarios and ensure the content reflected the sense of the feedback we received from all involved, including you. On December 15th the report team and pastors will present the Feedback Summary to the Renew My Church Executive Committee. After this, there are a couple more committees that will give input about the scenarios before the Cardinal makes his decision in early to mid-January.