This year, the solemnity of All Saints Day falls on a Tuesday. Eucharist will be celebrated at 7:00 AM , 8:30 AM and 7:30 PM. All Souls’ Day, The Commemoration of All The Faithful Departed, is Wednesday. Our customary Mass for the feast of All Souls, will be celebrated at 7:30 PM Mass. This liturgy will include our traditional All Souls Day Mass practices of remembering parishioners who have been buried from St. Hubert.
The Knights of Columbus is an international order of Catholic men who are called to lead with faith, serve others through acts of charity, and defend Catholic values. Our local Council #6964 is holding a membership drive at all Masses the weekend of October 29th & 30th.
Join us for a presentation to help parents understand their children's pressures and stressors on November 16. You will receive strategies to teach your child to overcome anxiety and tips to help you help them. There will also be time for questions. Presented by Amanda Paben, a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) at Heritage Counseling Center who is passionate about providing counseling services to children and adolescents, parents and families.
All three junior high Faith classes attended a mini-retreat with Fr. Mike. He taught students about Eucharistic Adoration and all the different ways we can pray and feel closer to Jesus. Our preschool students went on a field trip to the fire station and followed it up with in class fire safety demonstrations with a firefighter. To view the entire photo album, scan the QR code. And, all veterans are invited to our Veterans Day celebration on November 11
Once again, St. Hubert will be holding its annual Stocking Stuffer event on Wednesday, November 16 at 7:00 PM. We need SMALL items that can fit into 8-inch treat bags. Please bring donations to the Parish Office by November 15th.
Tonight's topic is Networking: Why You Should Do It and How to Do It 100% Stress Free. Newcomers are welcome to stop in for a Job Seeker’s Exchange, 6-7 PM, prior to the start of our meeting at 7 in the Parish Ministry Center Club Room.
The Knights of Columbus is an international order of Catholic men who are called to lead with faith, serve others through acts of charity, and defend Catholic values. When you become a member of the Knights of Columbus, you will find that the membership brings Catholic men and their families together in a powerful and faith-filled way. Please stop by our table after Mass as we would love the chance to talk with you and answer any questions you might have about the Knights!
The Grouping Feedback & Discernment Teams from each of our four parishes met last Monday. Together, we are compiling a summary of all the feedback we’ve received on the five different scenarios for our parishes in terms of their viability. A draft report is completed and now we’re working out the details and language to ensure we capture the true sense of the faithful in all our parishes. When this step is completed, the Summary Report will be presented to the Renew My Church Executive Committee.
We’ve compiled all the responses we received from everyone from the parish. Thank you for taking the time to share your insights and thoughts on the five scenarios. It helps us ensure we have the sense of what you’re thinking and what’s on your mind as we go into discussions with the other parishes. The four Grouping Feedback & Discernment Teams will meet here at Saint Hubert on Monday to discuss the scenarios further as we work to draft a report to the Archdiocese.
We’re grateful and thankful for everyone who has given us feedback about the Renew My Church Process. This past Monday, the four parishes met to discuss the feedback we received from each of our Parish Town Hall Meetings and to look at the viability of the five different scenarios in light of what is in the hearts and minds of each parish. The goal now is for the grouping as a whole to respond to each scenario with a recommendation that is presented to the Cardinal.
Join us on Saturday, October 15 from 9:00 AM to 12:30 PM in the Church Lower Level. Speakers include: Fr. Dahm, O.P., the Schaumburg Domestic Violence Response Team , La Tasha Unseld, Megan Wiesner & Jessica Bernard
Students had the opportunity to get up close and personal with Officer Jones’ police car during 6th grade DARE! He even turned on his siren for them as he was leaving. The students loved it and are really enjoying DARE! We announced our first Get Knighted winners of the school year and welcomed our choir back for a morning Mass in honor of St. Vincent de Paul. Congratulations to our Cross County team on a 4th place finish in the conference final! And last, but not least, mark your calendars to join us for the year’s first Family & School Association (FSA) Membership meeting. FSA is a parent volunteer organization dedicated to serving the students and staff of St. Hubert Catholic School.
The Helping Hands Ministry was formed to assist members in our parish, free of charge, in various ways. To request assistance or to volunteer, please contact the St. Hubert front office: 847-885-7700, ext. 102 and your request will be shared with the Helping Hands Coordinator.
Learn more about the Saint Viator experience on October 5, the Tuition Assistance Program, and partake in a Q&A with administrators, student ambassadors, and the admissions team.
Acknowledge that the person is in a very difficult, scary situation. Be supportive and listen. Be non-judgmental. Encourage the individual to talk to professionals who can provide help and guidance – tarting out with the state domestic violence hotline. Whether or not the person ends the relationship, continue to be supportive. Remember that you cannot ‘rescue’ the individual – they must make their own decisions.
A new program, Men4Jesus, was developed as an opportunity for the men of the parish to get together to reflect upon and improve our spiritual lives. We will meet once a month on Saturday mornings from 7:30 – 9:00 AM beginning on October 8th for a total of seven meetings. You do not need to make a commitment to attend every meeting when you sign up. It is a great opportunity to start your weekend on a positive note!
The Institute for Diaconal Studies (IDS) invites all men who feel the gentle nudge of the Holy Spirit to attend an Exploring the Diaconate session. It is a time to pray, discuss, and learn more about the discernment process and the formation program that aspirants and candidates pursue. Please join us, with your wives if married, as we explore the potential of a vocation, engage in dialogue and pray in search of the next step. All are welcome to attend any of the sessions.