Next week we’ll recap our Welcome Home Weekend with pictures and stories. We’re truly grateful to our Welcome Home Team who gave their all to make it happen.
Choose to have your resume reviewed between 9 - 11 AM by phone or in person! Consult with a Human Resources/Job Search Professional for a 20 minute review of your resume. The resume reviewer will provide you with suggestions and guidelines for your resume. Why not take advantage of this career-enhancing opportunity? Learn how to transform your resume.
The St. Hubert Choirs and Ensembles' new 2021-2022 Season will once again start in September and everyone is invited to join! The Adult Choir will sing at the 10:00 AM Mass and rehearses on Tuesday evenings from 7:30—9:00 PM beginning on September 7 at the church. The 6:00 PM Choir and Ensemble rehearses on Thursday evenings from 7:30—9:00 PM.
This program is designed for persons to be commissioned and mandated as Ministers of Care, in their respective parishes. Ministers will visit and take the Eucharist to those who are hospitalized, in nursing homes or confined to private homes. Full participation in all sessions on September 18 & 25 will fulfill Archdiocesan requirements for mandating. No walk-ins can be accepted.
The Funeral Luncheon Ministry, provide a place for families to find comfort in their time of grieving. We cater the warm portion of the meal, but look to volunteers to offer a personal touch by providing salads and desserts, homemade or store bought to complement the meal. We also welcome those who wish to help out the day of the luncheon, setting up the room, and setting out food and drinks and cleaning up afterwards. We are hoping you'll prayerfully consider assisting us.
The purpose of the event is to promote fellowship within the parish community and enjoy a meal with your family and friends. Our team feels that those objectives cannot be reached given the current conditions and covid restrictions. Therefore, the decision has been made to postpone the Taste of St. Hubert, scheduled for October 2nd. As soon as conditions improve, we will begin planning for a new date for this wonderful event.
The Extended Care Program at St. Hubert is looking for someone to help out for a few hours after school. Supervising and helping with homework would be a part of the job. If interested, please contact
WINGS gift drive will be next weekend, September 18 & 19 and will run in place of our monthly food drive. Open this article for details on donation requests and future food drive dates.
Our Prayer Shawl Ministry will once again be meeting in person today, Sunday, September 12, 2021! Please join us at 1:15 PM in the Dorothy Day room of the Parish Ministry Center, or stop at the Welcome Home celebration after 12:00 PM Mass and then join us after that!
Please bring items you wish to donate from this flyer to Mass on September 18 & 19. Drop off large items in the bins and gift cards in the baskets found in the Church Narthex. You can also drop off items between 1:00 pm – 3:00 PM on September 19 at the drive thru by the south main entrance of the church.
The Adult Choir will sing at the 10:00 AM Mass and rehearses on Tuesday evenings from 7:30—9:00 PM beginning on September 7 at the church. The 6:00 PM Choir and Ensemble rehearses on Thursday evenings from 7:30—9:00 PM beginning on September 9.
The Funeral Luncheon Ministry provides a place for families to find comfort in their time of grieving. By offering families a place to have a luncheon, we hope they find St. Hubert an inviting space to celebrate the life of one they have lost. We cater the warm portion of the meal, but look to volunteers to offer a personal touch by providing salads and desserts, homemade or store bought to complement the meal. We are hoping you'll prayerfully consider assisting us.
This year’s Track-a-Thon will be held on Saturday, September 18th. Proceeds from the event will be used for school improvements—updating curriculum, ongoing technology improvements and upkeep, teacher professional development, and tuition assistance. All sponsors will be recognized on the 2021 Track-a-Thon T-Shirt distributed and worn by all students, staff, and volunteers at several events during the year.
This program is designed for persons to be commissioned and mandated as Ministers of Care, in their respective parishes. Ministers will visit and take the Eucharist to those who are hospitalized, in nursing homes or confined to private homes. We want to get everyone interested in this ministry interviewed and registered for this fall program before September 16th.