This long standing tradition is the biggest fundraiser of the year. Consider making a donation to St. Hubert School to support students this year. "Knights can do Virtually Anything!"
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is a journey for welcoming adult newcomers (inquirers) into the Roman Catholic Church. If you are looking into fully realizing your faith walk with the Catholic Church by baptism, reconciliation, Holy Communion or confirmation – you are invited Sessions are on Tuesday Evenings online in our virtual room.
This blessing gives thanks for the companionship of our pets, asks God to keep them healthy, and that they be a source of pleasure for the Earth and our homes. Children and all households who care for God’s creatures are invited to bring your pet for the traditional blessing of animals. This will take place in the parish lot near the School Lunch Room.
Dear Friends, for the past 21 years I have had the pleasure and honor to serve you—the faith community here at St. Hubert as a Permanent Deacon. One chapter of my life is coming to a close at the end of this month with my retirement.
During this time of Covid-19 and Social Distancing, the New Jerusalem Prayer Group continues to meet on Friday nights from 7:30 PM to 9:00 PM through Zoom. We welcome anyone to join us as we praise and worship our Lord and pray for one another. Contact Judi Stein at 847-609-5785 or for more information and for the login info for the meeting.
A parishioner, Patrick Fleming, has offered to repair broken rosaries. There will be drop off receptacles at the ministry station in the narthex, and rosaries can be dropped off there. Please donate any unused, broken rosaries so that their parts can be used to repair member’s rosaries. In addition to repairing rosaries, Patrick makes rosaries for the missions, and he also accepts any rosaries people wish to donate.
The Hoffman-Schaumburg Knights of Columbus are holding their annual Tootsie Roll Drive to help people with Intellectual Disabilities. The traditional drive will be limited this year due to Covid-19. We hope to make up for the limitation thru online donations. We really need your support. Please visit our new website: to learn more, sign up to help or make a safe online donation. Our Gift Program and our Local Charities still need your help!
We'd like to believe that when needing support, we all have a family member or friend close by to help out. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Or perhaps, a great deal of support is needed requiring more support than family members are able to provide. The Helping Hands Ministry was formed to assist members in our parish, free of charge, in various ways. To request assistance or to volunteer, please contact the St .Hubert front desk at 847-885-7700, ext.102 and your request will be shared with the Helping Hands Coordinator. .