We have 2 concurrent programs: All-Networking Meeting from 7:00—9:15 PM in the Parish Ministry Center Club Room and an Interview Strategy Session from 7:00—8:30 PM in the Dorothy Day Room (2nd floor)
Thank you to everyone who participated in the Annual Catholic Appeal, which benefits the ongoing work of the Archdiocese of Chicago. If you were not ready to give a gift or pledge last week, you can include it in the collection this weekend, or drop it by the parish office.
Are you an adult who has not celebrated the sacrament of Confirmation? Classes are on Mondays February 24 - April 27. Contact Marie Staffa for more information.
Saturday, March 21, 2020 at St. Collette Parish Center in Rolling Meadows. Amy Florian: Amy is a dynamic speaker, professor, author, and nationally-recognized bereavement consultant and grief coach helping people who are grieving a life-changing loss. You MUST contact the Lynn Howard at for individual discernment prior to registering for this workshop. Registration CLOSES March 14, 2020.
The New Jerusalem Prayer Group invites you to the powerful witness of Colleen and John Willard on February 21. It is a talk that will give you hope and encourage you in your own trials and sufferings. A talk that will make you realize the gift we have waiting for us at every Mass and reception of Holy Communion!
To Be Joyful Again is a nondenominational support group for widows, widowers, or anyone else who has lost a significant other, meets the 1st and 3rd Thursday of every month at 7:00 PM at Holy Family Parish, 2515 Palatine Road, Inverness. Come get the support you need in this difficult time. All are welcome.
Come and find ways to move toward inner peace and new hope in life. Joyful Again! Widowed Ministry presents a Retreat/workshop for widowed men & women on March 14 & 15 and June 27 & 28. All are welcome.
We Come to Share Our Story: Reflections on the Classic Stories of Lent from the Gospel of John. March 8-10 at Church of the Holy Spirit. Sunday: Open my Eyes , Lord; Monday: I Once was Blind but Now I See; Tuesday: Hope or Resurrection
How many times have you shared you were there “just at the right time?” After experiencing this sentiment on numerous occasions, I must believe divine intervention has had something to do with this! As I serve on the Helping Hands Ministry, I find myself in the “right place” every time I answer a request for support.
Women at the Well invite you to Church of the Holy Spirit tonight at 7:00 tonight as award-winning Storyteller/Actress Megan Wells has written this one-hour story-experience of Holy Week through the eyes of Mary Magdalene. Walk with Mary through the events that we now know as Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, the crucifixion and Sunday’s miracle of resurrection. This living portrayal brings us intimately into the last days of Jesus of Nazareth, so that we can deepen our understanding of forgiveness, love and redemption.
A parishioner, Patrick Fleming, has offered to repair broken rosaries. There will be drop off receptacles at the ministry station in the narthex, and rosaries can be dropped off there. In addition to repairing rosaries, Patrick makes rosaries for the missions, and he also accepts any rosaries people wish to donate.
This seminar helps Christians find a fuller, deeper relationship with the Holy Spirit. They provide teachings, small groups, and prayer and worship. This is a series of six talks at St. Hubert Church (729 Grand Canyon St, Hoffman Estates) on Friday nights from March 6 thru Apr 17, 8 – 10 PM (Parish Stations of the Cross begins at 7 PM). Best of all, it’s FREE!