The generous outpouring of support at last weekend's food drive was above and beyond anthing that that we imagined. On behalf of all the people who come to our food pantry and the members of St. Vincent de Paul at St. Marcellines, thank you.
The Saint Hubert Choir, under the direction of Ed Magistrado, sings T. Tallis' "If Ye Love Me" for the liturgy of the 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time. When Jesus asked Peter if he loved him, Peter said, "Yes, you know I do." Jesus said, then "Tend my sheep". In other words, when we love Jesus we'll desire to love our neighbor as ourselves. It's a beautiful reflection on today's gospel.
Those attending Mass may drop Food and Food Cards off in the Narthex of the church in the food bins and food cards in the basket. Volunteers will take the food and food cards between 1:30 PM and 3:00 PM at the drive thru by the Main Church Entrance on Sunday.
Let us ask God’s blessing on those men and women from other countries who are in our midst as priests, brothers, and sisters. And when we pray, let us also ask God to change our hearts so that we will again produce a society that brings forth more vocations.
This is a way to explore faith in a new way. We’ll provide a monthly topic with a menu of options—a playlist—for exploring that topic. Activities may include videos, scripture, prayers, books, activity ideas and links to additional resources. You can choose to explore them all or just a couple that appeal to you. Look at our first topic coming next week.
In their statement on Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship, the U.S. Catholic bishops urge Catholics to form their consciences through being open to truth, studying Scripture and Church teaching, examining facts and background information, and prayerful reflection .Learn about the steps you can take to form your conscience, watch videos and access other great resources on conscience formation for faithful citizens.
Thanks to your support, we sorted, packed and delivered over 30 cases of supplies to the Grant-A-Wish organization from out annual School Supply Drive. We also want to thank the many parishioners that donated cash. This allowed us to cover many more items on their wish list. Your support during these stressful times was heartwarming.
Our students safely upheld the tradition with a socially distant Track-a-Thon held during our school day, Thank you to the many family and business supporters!
Parents will want to reserve a spot for this seminar right away. Keep in mind that current challenges children face provides opportunities for them to work on life skills that they will use for the rest of their lives. Featuring Dr. Scott Turansky, D.Min.
Join us at 9:30 AM for our weekly Job Support Virtual Meeting and/or tonight at 6:00 for a Job Seeker's Exchange or our 7:00 presentation, Whatever Happened to Customer Service, and How To Get It Back!
Join us at church every Friday morning at 7:45 to pray the rosary. Stay for the 8:30 AM Mass. Should you have a rosary in need of repair, there will be drop off receptacles at the ministry station in the narthex, and rosaries can be dropped off there.
Parents will want to reserve a spot for this seminar right away. Keep in mind that current challenges children face provides opportunities for them to work on life skills that they will use for the rest of their lives. Featuring Dr. Scott Turansky, D.Min.
We did it again! Our Food Drive for Church of the Holy Spirit this past weekend was a success! We were able to fill 3 cars/SUVs with food and collected $775 in Jewel Cards and cash/checks to be donated to the Food Pantry at Church of the Holy Spirit. The volunteers at the Food Pantry were very appreciative of the generosity and support our parish has continued to show them during these challenging times of Covid-19 this year.
The Job and Networking Ministry continues in its mission to assist the job seeker and job changer with the introduction of “virtual” Accountability/Job Support Group meetings via Zoom. The meetings are a way to address your careering and job connection concerns with one of our team members, as well as one another, learn more about the resources available to job seekers, and to share information and support with a small group of attendees.
Children and all households who care for God’s creatures are invited to bring your pet for the traditional blessing of animals. This will take place in the parish lot near the School Lunch Room.