This year, St. Hubert has the privilege of hosting a Joyful Again Retreat the weekend of October 12-13. Joyful Again is a unique program that has been designed to help widowed individuals, with God’s help, to move through bereavement toward spiritual and emotional wholeness. It will take many hands to ensure the success of this retreat.
The Knights of Columbus #6964 have donated some resources to help enrich your faith life—subjects such as family, rosary, marriage and becoming your best self are among the 15 books available. The Knights believe these books can aid you along your faith journey. Please feel free to check out the Resource Kiosk in the Narthex when you come to Mass. Read a book and then share it with your friends. Let’s enrich our parish one book at a time.
Young Adult Ministry Lake County Presents Theology on Tap for adults 18-39. Join other young adults for pizza, good company, and a thought-provoking presentation. For more information, Contact or Facebook YAM Lake County Location: Fatman's in Gurnee
Young Adult Ministry - Northwest invites you to join us for our summer session. Sponsored by the DEF Ministry Commission of Vicariate 1 of the Archdiocese of Chicago.
Children’s Ministry of Initiation (CMI) is a special parish process for families with older children, grades 3rd through 8th Who have never been baptized and are interested in becoming Catholic; Who were baptized in another denomination and are considering becoming Catholic; Who have been baptized Roman Catholic but have received little or no formal religious education and have not received the sacraments of Eucharist or Confirmation.
Thank you to all who joined us on June 12th for the Soldier Field tour. We believe it surpassed expectations! Our next outing is on Wednesday, September 18th – The Japanese Garden & Fabyan Villa Museum. We look forward to having more fun together! Mark your calendar!
If you or someone you know will be a senior in high school or freshman in college in the fall 2019, are involved in the community, and interested in receiving a scholarship, consider applying for the new Septemberfest Court scholarship! Applications can be found at and are due to the Prairie Center office by Friday, August 2nd.
Are you curious about religion? Would you like more information about acquiring or maintaining a rich, rewarding faith life? Have you ever considered exploring the Catholic faith or becoming Catholic? RCIA could be for you!
Training for new servers will be held on June 26th in the church from 6:00—7:30 PM. We request that one parent/guardian attend training with the new server.
Are you overwhelmed with jobs at home and need help? Call the Helping Hands ministry at St. Hubert. Parishioners have volunteered their time and talents to help you for free. Contact the parish front office at 847-885–7700 if you need help or if you would like to become a volunteer.
4th & 5th Grade Teacher Needed on Wednesdays, 4:00 – 5:45 PM. 8th Grade Teacher Needed on Sundays, 7:20 – 9:00 PM. Adult Aides needed for several grades on all days. Please consider volunteering for this very rewarding ministry.