A huge thank you to all the people who donated treats for the Mission! We were able to serve a beautiful spread of food for everyone on both nights. Also, to those who came both nights to set up, serve and clean up, you and your wonderful help are very much appreciated.
Join us on Saturday, April 13 after the 4:30 PM Mass. The evening will include dinner, games for all ages, music, raffles, and a wonderful opportunity to spend time as a community. The Starry Nights Raffle tickets will be on sale after all Masses. Win up to $5,000! All proceeds will benefit St. Hubert School.
The Exploring the Diaconate session will take place on Tuesday, April 30 at 7:30 p.m. at IDS Office, University of St. Mary of the Lake, Mundelein.at the Prist Center (Building 201-P) Directors of the Institute will welcome you and discuss all aspects of the archdiocese’s deacon formation program, including application requirements and all elements of the formation journey. Wives of potential applicants are welcome and urged to attend.
The St. Hubert School Alumni Committee would like to welcome alumni from the classes of 2009 and prior to an Alumni Gathering on Friday, April 12th at 6:45 PM in the Church Lower Level. Light appetizers and drinks will be served. Significant others welcome. Adults only.
Join the Hoffman-Schaumburg K of C’s Village Tavern and Grill on Wednesday, March 27th - All Day: 11 AM - 11 PM 20% of your pre-taxed bill, including Dine-In and Carry-Outs, minus any discounts will be donated to the Ministries of Council 6964. Please print this flyer and present it to your server at the time of payment.
If you would like to provide an Easter lily or flowering plant for the environment this Easter season, please fill out this form and bring it to the Parish Ministry Center, drop it in the collection basket, or donate online through GiveCentral on the website and select Easter Flowers. Easter flowers will remain in the church for the Easter season, through Pentecost, adding beauty to the liturgy and honoring your loved ones. Any donation is welcome and can be applied toward the seasonal decorations. Checks should be made out to St. Hubert Church.
The true story of Abby Johnson, the youngest director at Planned Parenthood, who became a spokesperson for them and fought to enact legislation for the cause she so deeply believed in—until the day she actually saw an abortion and became one of the most ardent pro-life speakers in America! Opens Thursday, March 28th at AMC South Barrington 24. Please join members of the St. Hubert Respect Life group and see this important film on Opening Weekend. Choose a movie time that’s convenient for you. Let’s show our support in protecting the life of the unborn!
As the population and costs of caring for older adults continues to rise, so does the need for families to get involved and to provide care for them. Caregivers need to obtain tools and support in order to have a positive outlook, minimize stress, and thus avoid possible use of verbal or physical abuse to the person in their care. Here are some resources that may help.
Our program is Continuous Learning: The Employment Edge. We are deep within a life-long learning age. Careers are being made by those who continuously learn, grow. apply and develop, particularly within their occupational field. Our presentation will give you insights into how to stay current and where to go for the information you need, and how to present your continuous knowledge, to be at the top of your employment game. Join from 7:00—9:15 PM in the Parish Ministry Center.
We are looking for a few volunteers to help spruce up the Church for Easter. We will be cleaning the pews, wiping the windows, cleaning the dust bunnies between the kneelers, and a list of other general cleanup tasks. The crew will gather at 8:30 AM on Saturday, April 6th. There will be a sign-up sheet on the kiosk in the natrthex. We need a few supplies: rags, shop vacs, & extendable dusters.
Recently, two bills have been introduced into the Illinois House of Representatives and Senate that strike at the sacredness of life and human dignity. We ask you to act with great urgency to defend our Catholic values against this harmful legislation.
If you are new to St. Hubert or have been here for a while, but have not had time to register and are interested in joining our parish family, please join us after the 4:30 PM Mass today, Saturday, March 23rd in the lower level of the church. We'll gather for about one hour to share a meal, find out about the parish. and complete your registration. Our next Welcoming event will be in September, 2019.