The 25th Annual Celebration of Marriage is on Saturday, February 8. 6:00 PM Mass with renewal of vows and potluck dinner and reception with DJ and dancing to follow.
All are invited to a New Year’s Eve Patriotic Rosary at 7:00 PM, Mass at 8:00 PM, and Potluck at 9:00 PM today. Please join us for hospitality in the lower level of the church. Drop off your potluck dish to the lower level before Mass.
In this new year, we will continue the food collection which goes to our fellow parishes that have food pantries. Collection dates are January 4th & 5th.
We need new Members! Would you like to make a difference in someone’s life? We would like to invite you to join our group. We knit and crochet beautiful shawls to be distributed within our Church community. Our next meeting will be on Sunday, January 5 at 1:15 PM in the Dorothy Day Room in the Parish Ministry Center.
Join us an opportunity to come together in a relaxed atmosphere to celebrate and strengthen their relationship…and to talk with each other. The course is based on Christian principles, but designed for all couples with or without a church background. The course runs January 3 – February 14, 2020 (seven Friday evenings) 7:00 – 9:30 PM. Each evening begins in the St. Hubert Parish Ministry Center Club Room with a simple dinner at your own table for 2.
The 25th Annual Celebration of Marriage is on Saturday, February 8. 6:00 PM Mass with renewal of vows and potluck dinner and reception with DJ and dancing to follow.
All are invited to a New Year’s Eve Patriotic Rosary at 7:00 PM, Mass at 8:00 PM, and Potluck at 9:00 PM on Tuesday, December 31. Please join us for hospitality in the lower level of the church. Drop off your potluck dish to the lower level before Mass.
Support Catholic education while receiving a tax credit through the Illinois Tax Credit Scholarship Program. Donations made now through February 29, 2020 will be matched 2:1 by the Archdiocese of Chicago. Every $1 you donate is like $3!
Young men, ages 13-20, are invited with their parents and priests to attend this exciting event at Mundelein Seminary on December 27 from 5:00 - 8:30 PM Come and learn more about the priesthood and your vocation.
This beautiful, special season is a good time to recognize and thank our liturgical ministers - lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, altar servers and sacristans - as well as the unscheduled cadre of ushers who serve our Masses with such dedication and care. Our choir and music ministries, under the direction of Ed Magistrado, make the Masses truly shine. Please take a moment to thank a liturgical minister for this wonderful gift to you!
We’d love to stay in touch, answer your questions, and pray for you. Please fill out the information below and put it in the collection basket. Or send it back to the office.
The best gift you can give to each other isn't a present, it's your presence! Surprise you spouse with 7 Dinner Dates for Married Couples on Friday evenings January 3 - February 14.
If you would like to provide a poinsettia or greens for the environment this Christmas season, please fill out this form and bring to the Parish Ministry Center or drop in the collection basket. Any donation is welcome and can be applied toward the seasonal decorations.