St. Hubert School hosts their annual Veterans Day Assembly where our Veterans are honored for their service to our country. The St. Hubert School Band played patriotic favorites and students read personal poems and stories in appreciation of our Veterans. Classroom representatives delivered cards of thanks and appreciation. Thank you to all the Veterans who attended and to all that serve!
Join Job Ministry's good friend and LinkedIn expert, Denis Curtin tonight at 7:00 PM as he shows us his secrets to enhancing your LinkedIn Profile for greater Recruitment visibility. This is a job search essential. Don’t miss this meeting. Tell all your friends to attend.
We urge you to bring as much healthy staple food as you can to help feed families in need. This is not just about providing a nice Thanksgiving meal. Food is needed by families to go beyond a one-day celebration. Please bring food items to the Narthex area in the church.
Boy Scout Troop 399 will be selling 26 inch wreaths this weekend after Masses (until we run out). The price is $20. The profits support the Scout’s outdoor program.
The Bread Monk, Fr. Dominic Garramone, OSB brings his talent, personality and humor to St. Hubert TODAY from 10 AM to Noon at the St. Hubert Parish Ministry Center.
The Marriage Course provides an opportunity for married couples to come together in a relaxed atmosphere to celebrate and strengthen their relationship…and to talk with each other. The course is based on Christian principles, but designed for all couples with or without a church background. The course runs January 3 – February 14, 2020 (seven Friday evenings) 7:00 – 9:30 PM. Eachevening begins in the St. Hubert Parish Ministry Center Club Room with a simple dinner at your own table for 2.
Bible Diaries are back for a limited time, they will be on sale after the Masses on December 1, 2019. They make great Christmas gifts. Get them before they are gone. All proceeds benefit St. Hubert Parish. Vinyl Bible Diary- $17.00, Hard Cover Bible Diary- $16.00
The St. Hubert Stocking Stuffer Ministry would like to express its sincere appreciation for the generosity of those who donated items to our Stocking Stuffer project in November. This year we filled 335 treat bags and could have filled many more! A very big THANK YOU also goes out to the 30+ volunteers who helped stuff the bags. We could not have done it without you!
We invite you to print this flyer to Pilot Pete's today between 11 AM - 10 PM and 20% of pretax bill will be donated to the Hoffman - Schaumburg Knights of Columbus.
Boy Scout Troop 399 will be selling 26 inch wreaths on November 23rd & 24th after Masses (until we run out) The price is $20. The profits support the Scout’s outdoor program.
Our volunteers have offered to provide their time and talents to help people in need for free. Let us know if you need help with a ride to church or the store, with housework or yardwork, etc. Contact the parish front office at 847-885–7700 if you need help or if you would like to become a volunteer.
Join Job Ministry's good friend and LinkedIn expert, Denis Curtin on November 25 at 7:00 PM as he shows us his secrets to enhancing your LinkedIn Profile for greater Recruitment visibility. This is a job search essential. Don’t miss this meeting. Tell all your friends to attend.
50 people presented themselves to donate and there were 47 units of blood drawn. The units collected will potentially save 141 lives!! Thanks to all of those who gave unselfishly of themselves to help others. Their generosity will help our neighbors in need, including cancer patients, critically ill newborns , accident victims and many more who have illnesses requiring blood products.
Today we celebrate Rite of Welcome and Acceptance at the 10:45 Mass. We celebrate this ritual by blessing our Inquirers, listening to them, praying for them, giving evidence of the spirit of our Christian community, inviting them into our hearts, and passing on to them our beliefs, traditions and all that we hold sacred and cherish. Please keep our Catechumens and Candidates in CMI and RCIA your thoughts and prayers in the coming months.
We urge you to bring as much healthy staple food as you can to help feed families in need. This is not just about providing a nice Thanksgiving meal. Food is needed by families to go beyond a one-day celebration. Drivers are also needed on Sunday, November 24 at 11:00 AM to help deliver the food to St. Aloysius. For specific needs and details, open this article.