If so, the St. Hubert Job and Networking Ministry could use your expertise with coordinating meetings, booking speakers, and assisting with resume reviews. If you’d like to become involved in our ministry.
St. Hubert Students and Parishioners celebrated the 40th annual Track-A-Thon on Saturday, September 28th! This year’s Track-A-Thon started with a Friday Fun Run! Our annual tradition continued Saturday with fun family activities such as bounce houses, field games, painted tattoos and a balloon artist. Families enjoyed hot dogs, hamburgers, snow cones, cotton candy, popcorn and more at this fun annual event. The evening ended with even more excitement with a night time shaving cream fight! What a great evening and event for our St. Hubert Community!
St. Hubert Parish is holding our annual Fall Blood Drive on Sunday, November 10 in the lower level of church from 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM. If you are in good health, we ask you to consider donating.
This is an information meeting for pre-planning funeral arrangements for people of all ages. Many find it uncomfortable or unsettling to discuss end-of-life wishes. St. Hubert Community Life Program is hosting an opportunity for the community and their families to learn, in a loving and practical way, several of the necessary decisions or considerations required when someone dies.
Has expressed an interest in becoming Catholic? Has a child over the age of seven who has not been baptized? Was baptized Catholic as a child, but has not celebrated the sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist? CMI Classes began Sunday, October 20. We still have room for you and your family.
Advent reflection booklets from Fr. Ron Rolheiser are available for purchase for $2.99 each from Liguori Publications. The beautiful color interior offers a meditative backdrop for the reflections for each day of Advent through January 1, plus Epiphany.
In an effort to keep everyone up to date, our Finance Council has prepared a report containing quarterly information about our parish collections. Going forward, we will do this on a monthly basis.
Join us from 7:00—9:15 PM for our program Hiring Manager or H.R. – Which is the better approach? You will decide after hearing from Lars Cederquist, Marketing Executive and entrepreneur. He’ll share with you the ins and outs, the positives and negatives, and give you the facts as they are seen by the insiders who have used both methods through success and failure.
Please join us today from 7:30 AM - 1:30 PM at Church of the Holy Spirit for a traditional family pancake breakfast of pancakes, eggs and sausage. Donut holes, juice, and coffee will also be served.
If you are new to St. Hubert or have been here for a while, but have not had time to register and are interested in joining our parish family, please join in the lower level of the church. We'll gather for about one hour to share a meal, find out about the parish and complete your registration.
The National Catholic Youth Conference (NCYC) is the premiere national gathering of Catholic high school teens in the United States. Several teens from St. Hubert will be making a pilgrimage to NCYC. Please help to make this experience possible. Your contributions will allow the teens to experience presentations by leading speakers on issues including social justice, prayer, servant leadership, appropriate use of technology, the sacraments, cultural diversity, and transitioning to college. Youth Ministry will in the narthex after all Masses this weekend. Thank you for your support of our pilgrimage. You will be in our prayers as we travel and prepare. Please keep us in your prayers also.
St. Huber School invites all veterans to a Veterans' Day Assembly on Monday, November 11. Please call the school office at 847-885-7702 if you plan to attend.
Knights of Columbus and Bishop Sheil Assembly 2330 present DAMIEN staring Wayne Messmer at St. Hubert on Friday, November 22, 7:00 PM (doors open at 6:00)