St. Hubert is hosting Totus Tuus: a summer spiritual camp from June 23rd to June 28th! The college Totus Tuus Missionaries are coming to lead our youth in a week of faith, fun and friends.
St. Hubert Girl Scouts will be selling cookies after Masses the weekends of February 16-17 and 23-24. Cookies are $5 a box, and every Cookie has a Mission: To Help Girls Do Great Things! If you can't eat them, treat 'em! Please consider making a $5 donation for a box of Cookies to be shipped directly to our Military Soldiers. Thank you!
Are you an adult who has not celebrated the sacrament of Confirmation? Classes are from 7:00—9:00 PM on Mondays, March 11, 18, 25, April 1, 8, 15, 29 & May 6.
Coming to St. Hubert February 26 – April 16. The Marriage Course provides an opportunity for married couples to come together in a relaxed atmosphere to celebrate and strengthen their relationship…and to talk with each other. The course is based on Christian principles, but designed for all couples with or without a church background.
Thank you so much to everyone who donated Christmas cards in the last couple weeks. We have definitely replenished our supply for next year! They will bring joy to many people in the nursing homes in our area. Once again, the community of St. Hubert has answered a need.
Calling all Young Adults! Come join us for our Winter Wine Series on Wednesdays from 7-9 PM in February. Young Adult Ministry-Northwest (YAM-NW) ministers to young adults in their 20s and 30s. Wine will be available to those 21 and older. Please open this article for more information.
Join us for a special 6:00 PM Mass with renewal of vows. Potluck dinner and dancing follow the Mass at the Parish Ministry Center. Bring a dish to share. Make this your Valentine's gift to each other! Click here to register online or call 847-885-7700, ext.102.
The St. Hubert Prayer Shawl Ministry will meet Sunday, February 3 at 1:15 PM in the Dorothy Day Room of the Parish Ministry Center. We meet to share our talents, pray and gather with friends. New members are always welcome!
St. Hubert Youth Ministry is inviting High School Teens & 7th- 8th Graders to a Lock in at Enchanted Castle on February 1, 10:15 PM - Meet at the St. Hubert Parish Ministry Center. Return to the Parish Ministry Center at 6:45 AM on February 2. Check the Youth Ministry website for more details.
Thank you to everyone who has made a pledge and gift! For those considering it, there’s still time to help us reach the goal. Pledge cards are in the narthex or at the Parish Office. Current Pledge Total: $2,332,800 Amount Remaining to Reach the $2.4M Goal: $67,200
If you are new to St. Hubert or have been here for a while but have not had time to register and are interested in joining our parish family, please join us after the 10:45 AM Mass on Sunday, January 27th in the lower level of the church. We'll gather for about one hour to share a meal, find out about the parish and complete your registration.
Coming to St. Hubert February 26 – April 16. The Marriage Course provides an opportunity for married couples to come together in a relaxed atmosphere to celebrate and strengthen their relationship…and to talk with each other. The course is based on Christian principles, but designed for all couples with or without a church background.
Join us for our first annual winter fundraiser. The night will include several rounds of team trivia competition and a mini auction. Please assemble your table of 8 with school parents, alumni, parish members, friends, family, and neighbors. Prizes will be awarded for the Winning Trivia Team, Best Themed Costumes, and Best Themed Table Decorations.
As a victim of Domestic Violence, you live in a constant state of alertness and anticipation, waiting for the next attack to occur. The St. Hubert Domestic Violence Outreach Ministry is here to help. If you or someone you know is being abused, seek help today. In an emergency, please dial 911. For all other help, please call: Illinois Statewide Domestic Violence Helpline 877 TO END DV (877-863-6338), 877-863-6339 TTY. They can direct you to the best place for your individual situation.
Join us for our upcoming programs "Are You Entrepreneurial Material?" on January 28, 7:00—9:15 PM in the Parish Ministry Center and a "Resume Review" on February 9, 9:00—11:00 AM at Long Grove Community Church.