We celebrate our ethnic culture at the 4:30 PM Mass. Please come in your ethnic outfit and consider bringing a token of your food or culture to process into Mass! After the Mass join us in the Multi-Purpose Room for a Taste of St. Hubert. Bring your friends!
Mark your calendar our ANNUAL COAT DRIVE for St. Al’s. Coats on Saturday, October 6 from 9:00 AM—Noon. Jackets, hats, scarves or gloves for adults and children are to be dropped off on that day only. In an effort to make it a more efficient process and more convenient for people, there will be a truck in the St. Hubert parking lot where people can drop off their coat donations for the immediate loading for delivery to St. Al’s
Prayer Shawls, created by members of St. Hubert Prayer Shawl Ministry, will be blessed this weekend at Saturday 's 4:30 PM Mass and on Sunday during the 7:30, 9:00 and 10:45 AM Masses. Ministry members will be in the narthex after these Masses to distribute shawls to anyone who has a need for the comfort that they bring. Donations are accepted to help defray the cost of materials. Our next meeting will be on Sunday, October 7 at 1:15 PM in the Dorothy Day Room in the Parish Ministry Center. New members are always welcome.
Once again this year we plan to join with fellow Christians to form a Life Chain of people along the south side of Irving Park Road from Barrington Rd. to Bartlett Rd. We will select a sign similar to those shown in the photo above. Signs will be available from those present along the route. Family members, relatives, and those interested in eliminating abortion are welcome to join. Bring a lawn chair for your comfort. Afterwards, once again, St. Ansgar at 2040 Laurel Ave in Hanover Park, IL is hosting a coffee and Danish. All are welcome to warm up and share their stories.
The Taste is soon to be upon us. We can still use volunteers to help with many things before during and after the Taste. For information, check out the kiosk in the Narthex or contact Joyce Manfre. 847-843-7673 or joycemanfre@aol.com.
On Saturday, October 13 from 9 ‘til Noon. Encore will be volunteering at Northern Illinois Food Bank, 273 Dearborn Court, Geneva, Illinois. We will be working together by inspecting, sorting and packing food items to be distributed to food pantries, shelters, youth and senior feeding programs plus some mobile pantries. We have reserved 45 spots, so feel free to invite friends. We plan on a morning of fun while helping to feed our hungry neighbors.
The success of our Religious Education program is due to our dedicated, committed, volunteers, who faithfully come week after week to teach our children. We need more people to join them for the coming school year. Help is needed on Wednesdays 4:00-5:45 PM, Saturdays 9:00-10:45 AM & Sundays 7:20-9:00 PM. If you would like more information, please call Mike Keenan at 847-885-7703 or mkeenan@sainthubert.org.
This blessing gives thanks for the companionship of our pets, asks God to keep them healthy, and that they be a source of pleasure for the Earth and our homes. Children and all households who care for God’s creatures are invited to bring your pet for the traditional blessing of animals. This will take place about 4:00 PM in the parish lot near the School Lunch Room.
An Information Meeting will be held on Monday, October 15th at 6:00 PM in the Dorothy Day Room of the Parish Ministry Center. A representative from Trans World Travel will be there to discuss the trip and answer questions. You can also call Joseph Marco at 847-991-9050 for additional information. We hope you can consider joining us on this memorable tour.
The Baptism team needs help! We need extra hands to help with Sunday Baptisms. It will not take a lot of your time and I promise you will find it rewarding.
St. Hubert Prayer Shawl Ministry: Please join us as we begin another year of knitting, crocheting, and tying of blankets to provide comfort for those in need of a gentle hug. Prayer shawls are a physical reminder of God’s love and compassion for each and every one of us. Our next meeting is on October 7 at 1:15 PM in the Dorothy Day Room of the Parish Ministry Center. We will have prayers, instructions, and yarn available to get you started.
The success of our Religious Education program is due to our dedicated, committed, volunteers, who faithfully come week after week to teach our children. We need more people to join them for the coming school year. Help is needed on Wednesdays 4:00—5:45 PM, Saturdays 9:00—10:45 AM, & Sundays 7:20—9:00 PM.
Our topic is "From the Search Firm’s Perspective" from 7:00—9:15 PM in the St. Hubert PMC Clubroom. We will be joined by a Search representative who relates with job candidates every day. His/her perspective will enlighten us on best protocol, follow-up techniques and some insightful expectations to help us as we interface with these important job connecting professionals.
Mark your calendar for SATURDAY, OCTOBER 6 for our ANNUAL COAT DRIVE for St. AL’s. Coats, jackets, hats, scarves or gloves for young children are to be dropped off between 9:00 AM to NOON that day only.
A Thank You Dinner will be given on Friday, November 9 by the parish for all of those in the parish that volunteered for various activities in the past year. Fellowship at 6:00 PM, Dinner at 6:45 PM. Child care will be provided and your companion is welcome to join us. Mark your calendar today!
The Taste is soon to be upon us. We can still use volunteers to help with many things before during and after the Taste. For information, check out the kiosk in the Narthex or contact Joyce Manfre. 847-843-7673 or joycemanfre@aol.com.