Can you believe it’s August already? With our hectic lives, time seems to fly by whether you’re young, old, or in the middle. I think our help is really needed to start the school year out right. Food is the main source for learning! Let’s all bring in a few nutritious items to help our future generation get a great start! As always, you are more then generous and we thank you for your loyalty to this ministry.
To Be Joyful Again is a nondenominational support group for widows, widowers, or anyone else who has lost a significant other, meets the 1st and 3rd Thursday of every month at 7:00 PM at Holy Family Parish, 2515 Palatine Road, Inverness. Come get the support you need in this difficult time. All are welcome.
Do you desire to share your Catholic faith? Do you feel called to walk with people on their spiritual journey? The St. Hubert Community invites you to be a sponsor companion for those coming into the Catholic Church! There is no level of knowledge required! As long as you’re a practicing, fully initiated Catholic you’re in!
Every year adults are welcomed into the Catholic Community through RCIA. It is a learning and loving process in which conversion of the heart brings you to Jesus Christ, who is our Lord and Savior. This process will present the Catholic faith journey in an open and comfortable environment. Participants in past RCIA classes have come from many different backgrounds, yet all have a common interest in learning about the Catholic Faith.
Immaculate Conception (IC) Parish in Chicago (Harlem & Talcott) will host a FREE Quigley Scholars Awareness event August 5th – immediately after 6pm Mass @ the back of the Church. Fr. Peter Snieg, Rector and President of St. Joseph’s Seminary will be available to answer questions. The program is sponsored by the Archdiocese of Chicago for young men of high school age, interested in God’s call to the priesthood.
Please join us for a viewing and discussion of this award-winning documentary about college campus sexual assaults on THURSDAY, AUGUST 2 @ 6:45 PM at St. Thomas Becket Parish Hall (1321 N. Burning Bush Lane in Mt. Prospect, IL) 1 in 5 college women and 1 in 16 college men are victims of sexual assault. Appropriate for 16 year olds and up and parents. Not appropriate for children.
The US Bishops website——is a great way to learn how the Church is responding to today’s issues we’re hearing about in the media—everything from right-to-life issues to immigration reform to assisted suicide. The US Bishops are a prophetic voice of reason that ensures our society reflects the way God wants us to live with each other, morally and ethically. To learn more, visit:
She’s a Saint. A Renaissance role model for the 21st century woman. Learn more about her on Wednesday, August 29 from 7:00—9:00 PM at the Café Ministry Meeting.
St. Hubert is going to the Ball Game. It is Star Wars Night!! Come dressed as your favorite Character on August 10, at 6:30 pm. Fireworks after the game. $10 Tickets on sale after Mass on July 28 & 29 and August 4 & 5. Proceeds support the needs of the parish.
Call the Helping Hands ministry at St. Hubert. Parishioners have volunteered their time and talents to help you for free. Jesus taught us to love our neighbor as ourselves, so we love with our thoughts, words, and actions.
The success of the Faith Formation of our children is due to the generosity & dedication of volunteers. These volunteers, who become Catechists and classroom aides, share their faith while teaching the youth of our parish and help them grow in the Faith. We are in need of volunteers for the upcoming 2018-2019 year, which begins in September. We will provide you with the training, tools, and support to assist you in this Ministry.
Our Annual St. Hubert – St. Aloysius Sharing Parish Picnic is on August 11th. Please bring your new and/or gently used Donations to our Parish Ministry Center by: August 7th .
Sponsors for our RCIA catechumens and candidates participate in the Church's ministry by welcoming new members. To be a sponsor means to serve as a companion for the journey of faith, offering guidance, and sharing life's experiences. Sponsors find their own faith life enriched by the RCIA process.
The RCIA is for anyone who is thinking about joining the Catholic Church. This includes people who were never baptized and those who have been baptized in other Christian churches. It includes people who have grown up with some or much religious instruction as well as people who have had no religious upbringing. Those who take part in RICA might be single people, spouses of Catholics. and sometimes entire families. RCIA is also for those who have been baptized as Catholics, but did not complete their initiation with First Communion and/or Confirmation.
Children’s Ministry of Initiation (CMI) meets on Sunday Mornings. It is a two year sacramental process which is an adaptation of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults for children under the age of 18. It is open to both the un-baptized and to those who were baptized in the Catholic Church, but have missed the study and sacramental preparation offered in early grade school. It is also open to those baptized in other traditions. Regular attendance of both the child and at least one parent is expected.
Summer is here. Time to go with the Stewards of St. Hubert to the Schaumburg Boomers game on Friday, August 10th – 7:00 p.m. Tickets will be $10.00/person and will include fireworks. We will be selling tickets after Masses at the end of July.