The Advisory Board assists the Principal and Pastor by recommending policies, identifying educational needs, and articulating the aspirations of the school and school community. These goals become the basis for program objectives, policies, and action plans for the educational program. School Board Members will participate in Board Standing Committees.
Call the Helping Hands ministry at St. Hubert. Parishioners have volunteered their time and talents to help you for free. Jesus taught us to love our neighbor as ourselves, so we love with our thoughts, words, and actions.
The Advisory Board assists the Principal and Pastor by recommending policies, identifying educational needs, and articulating the aspirations of the school and school community. These goals become the basis for program objectives, policies, and action plans for the educational program. School Board Members will participate in Board Standing Committees.
It's your responsibility! It is said that St. Francis of Assisi once commented to his friars, "Go and preach, using words if you must." That same challenge is given to each one of us by virtue of our baptism. We are called to be witnesses of our faith and to share who God is in our lives with others. Whether we are aware of it or not, the way we live our lives and the way we give ourselves to others speaks volumes to those who come into contact with us. The RCIA offers participants the opportunity to reflect on the scriptures and discover how those scriptures apply to their lives; to look at the teachings of the Church; and to grow in faith through prayer and community.
Excerpts from the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops 1992, 2002. If you or someone you know is being abused, seek help today. In an emergency, please dial 911. For all other help, please call: Illinois Statewide Domestic Violence Helpline 877-TO END DV or 877-863-6338 ; 877-863-6339 (TTY) WINGS Program, Inc. 24-hour hotline 847-221-5680.
The US Bishops continue to weigh in on the importance of immigration policies and laws that uphold the dignity and value of every human life and the necessity of keeping families together. For more information about the work the US Bishops are doing on behalf of immigrants for the Church, visit: or
The success of the Faith Formation of our children is due to the generosity & dedication of volunteers. These volunteers, who become Catechists and classroom aides, share their faith while teaching the youth of our parish and help them grow in the Faith. We are in need of volunteers for the upcoming 2018-2019 year, which begins in September. We will provide you with the training, tools, and support to assist you in this Ministry.
A sponsor is an active Catholic that is willing to be a companion to someone going through the RCIA process. As they get acquainted, they listen, answer questions, pray together, and connect them with the parish. Sponsors find their role to be one that enriches and deepens their own faith life as well. It is a very rewarding experience. Sponsors are not meant to have all the answers. Their main role is to be a friend and a companion on the journey.
The Catechumenate for Children/Teens, which is an Adaptation of the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (R.C.I.A.), is the process by which unbaptized young people of the age of reason come into the Church.
Sunday, June 24th from 9:30 AM- 3:30 PM in the St. Hubert School Lot. Help Support the St. Viator Band & Choir Programs. Stop by and let the students wash your car after Mass. All donations accepted
We will be starting sessions in October. This process allows families with children to join other families who are seeking to become closer to God. St. Hubert ministers to the whole family as their children journey toward baptism, confirmation, Eucharist or full reception into the Catholic Church.
At the 9th Annual Gayle Photikarm Memorial Blood Drive there were a total of 61 donors registered, with 56 units collected. The blood collected will potentially save 168 lives!!! Thank you to all of those who gave unselfishly to help others. Their generosity will help neighbors in need, including cancer patients, critically ill newborns, accident victims, and many more who have illnesses requiring blood products.
Join the Job at Networking meeting on June 11, 7:00—9:15 PM in the Parish Ministry Center. Presenting once again is Denise Hansard, Life and Career Coach who will present some time tested, unique and great ideas for standing out in the interview.
The Advisory Board assists the Principal and Pastor by recommending policies, identifying educational needs, and articulating the aspirations of the school and school community. These goals become the basis for program objectives, policies, and action plans for the educational program. School Board Members will participate in Board Standing Committees.