Flowers will be available for pickup on Saturday, May 5th and Sunday, May 6th following all Masses. Flowers can be picked up in the St. Hubert School Lunch Room, door number 39.
If you have a relative or neighbor who is experiencing an illness or disability that keeps him or her from participating in the Sunday liturgy, please let us know. St. Hubert has a large corps of Ministers of Care, each of whom is eager to be of service bringing the Body of Christ to those who are unable to be present for Eucharist.
There will be a special blessing for Prayer Shawls this Sunday at the 7:30, 9:00 and 10:45 AM Masses. Members of St. Hubert Prayer Shawl Ministry will be in the Narthex to give out a prayer shawl to anyone who needs to feel comforted by one of these knitted or crocheted shawls. The shawls are lovingly made as a way to do God's work and share our talents with the St. Hubert community. There is no charge for a shawl, but contributions are accepted to help us purchase yarn and other supplies for our ministry.
May is the month that we honor Our Blessed Mother. Every Friday morning at 6:30 AM, we gather in church to pray the rosary. It would be wonderful if you could join in this beautiful prayer.
Join the jobs and networking ministry from 7:00—9:00 PM in the Parish Ministry Center for a casual evening of networking and have your questions answered by experts on a variety of employment related subjects. Our GURUs will be circulating in the crowd ready to assist you. Bring plenty of handbills, business cards or resumes.
Imagine being part of an organization that fills your heart and your mind with the joy of giving to others and the feeling that comes with making a difference. On Saturday April 21st and Sunday April 22nd, the Knights of Columbus will be here at St. Hubert Church to answer any questions you may have
If you are new to St. Hubert or have been here for a while but have not had time to register and are interested in joining our parish family, please join us after the 4:30 PM Mass today, Saturday, April 21st in the lower level of the church. We'll gather for about one hour to share a meal, find out about the parish and complete your registration.
The Religious Education Program needs a few saints to teach the faith to our children. Classes will begin in the fall. Halos and training will be provided. Please consider volunteering for this very rewarding ministry.
Hosted at St. Hubert Parish, Five Days of Faith, Friends & Fun. June 17-June 22. Kid’s Day Camp: Grades 1 through 6 from 9:00 AM—2:30 PM Monday through Friday. Teen Program: Junior High and High School from 7:00 PM—9:00 PM Sunday through Thursday. Registration Begins May 1. $40 for 1 Child; $25 for each additional Child.
The Advisory Board assists the Principal and Pastor by recommending policies, identifying educational needs, and articulating the aspirations of the school and school community. These goals become the basis for program objectives, policies, and action plans for the educational program. School Board Members will participate in Board Standing Committees.
Children who are exposed to domestic violence in the home experience emotional, mental, and social damage that can affect their developmental growth and the rest of their lives. Not all children exposed to violence are affected equally or in the same ways. Also, statistics show that they are 15 times more likely to be victims of child abuse. Parents, if domestic violence is happening in your home, seek help!!! Keep your children safe from emotional trauma.
The St. Hubert Domestic Violence Ministry is asking our parishioners to help us with a WINGS Mother’s Day project of making bags/baskets to be distributed to all the WINGS houses. A bin will be in the back of the Narthex by the Memory Wall to collect your donated items for these bags/baskets.
A parishioner, Patrick Fleming, has offered to repair broken rosaries. There will be drop off receptacles at the ministry station in the narthex, and rosaries can be dropped off there. Please donate any unused, broken rosaries so that their parts can be used to repair member’s rosaries. In addition to repairing rosaries, Patrick makes rosaries for the missions, and he also accepts any rosaries people wish to donate.
Knights of Columbus Hoffman - Schaumburg Council #6964 will host an Altar Server Appreciation Pizza Party on Thursday, April 19, 6:30—7:45 PM in the St. Hubert Parish Ministry Center. Parents are to call their respective parishes and register the names of their Altar Server child/children who will attend the pizza party. The last day to registration through your parish is Wednesday, April 18.