VICARIATE I CONFIRMATION FOR ADULTS - A candidate must: Be 18 years old AND out of high school. Candidates must also be Baptized Catholic adults who have celebrated First Holy Communion and Reconciliation, but lack the Sacrament of Confirmation, and who do not have any other impediments to receiving the Sacraments (such as irregular marriage/need for annulment). Classes start soon!
During Lent we are called to a keener awareness of the evils that stake their claim in our own lives. Lent is also a time for the whole community to reflect on our baptismal call and to join the elect in this conversion journey. The Scrutinies will be celebrated at the following Masses: March 4 at the 12:15 PM Mass, March 11 at the 10:45 AM Mass, and March 18 at the 9:00 AM Mass
Every Thursday, beginning on March 8 after the Communion Service (about 7:30 AM), we will pray the chaplet of the Divine Mercy. Everyone is invited to participate.
If you’re interested in joining the 12:15 PM Mass choir, please contact Ed Magistrado, Music Director, at 847-885-7701 or email to signup. Rehearsals will be on Tuesdays from 7:30—9:00 PM in the church.
Celebrating the Rite of Election at Holy Name Cathedral, our RCIA and CMI journeyers were part of more than 450 peers from many parishes of the Archdiocese, all of whom are entering the final period of preparation for initiation at the Easter Vigil. Please continue to pray for them all during this Lenten Season, their “Period of Purification and Enlightenment.”
Contribution statements were mailed the last week in January. If you are still using Parish Pay – that service will be cancelled at the end of February. Also, there have been many close calls between cars and people. If running late please do not speed – be considerate of others – be safe. Please call or email Teresa McCutchan with any questions.
Prayer Shawls will be available in the Narthex this Sunday after the 7:30, 9:00, and 10:45 AM Masses for anyone who has a need for the comfort that these lovely shawls provide. Members of this ministry will also be available to answer any questions you may have about our group. There is no charge for a shawl, but donations are accepted to help defray the cost of yarn and other materials. Our next meeting will be on Sunday, March 4 at 1:15 PM in the Dorothy Day Room in the Parish Ministry Center. Please join us for a couple of hours of fellowship, knitting, crocheting and prayer. New members are always welcome!
If you would like to provide an Easter lily or flowering plant for the environment this Easter season, please fill out this form and bring it to the Parish Ministry Center, drop it in the collection basket, or donate online through GiveCentral. Flowers will remain in the church for the Easter season, through Pentecost, adding beauty to the liturgy and honoring your loved ones.
Am I totally happy in my dating choices? When a boyfriend or girlfriend uses verbal insults, mean language, nasty put downs, gets physical by hitting or slapping, or forces someone into sexual activity, it's a sign of verbal, emotional, or physical abuse. It can be tempting to make excuses or misinterpret violence, possessiveness, or anger as an expression of love. But even if you know that the person hurting you loves you, it is not healthy. No one deserves to be hit, shoved, or forced into anything they don't want to do. If you or someone you know is being abused, seek help today.
The confirmation class will hold a simple Lenten Soup and Bread Meal. Please join us in the lower level of the church. We will also be serving peanut butter & jelly sandwiches and macaroni & cheese for the little ones. There will be a free will donation, of which all proceeds will go to the Food Pantry at Church of the Holy Spirit and the Youth Ministry Mission trip. Please join us afterwards in the church for Stations of the Cross. If you would be willing to donate a pot of meatless soup, please call the Religious Education Office at 847-885-7703.
As a service to all St. Hubert parishioners, the St. Hubert Community Life Program is hosting an Information Night Seminar on these subjects on Tuesday, February 20 from 7:00 - 8:30 PM in the PMC Club Room. Representatives from Banker’s Life will be present to speak and answer questions.
Sunday, February 25th 1:30-3:30 PM at Poplar Creek Bowl.Tickets will be sold after all Masses on February 17 & 18. Reservations must be paid for in advance by February 20th.
Register now for next summer! We will be taking two trips next year—Young Neighbors in Action (for high school) - July 8-14, 2018 & Just5Days (for 7th & 8th grade) - July 23-27, 2018, Davenport, Iowa. Chaperones are needed to make this trip possible.
Ministry of Moms is looking for volunteers to babysit during our meetings. Our meetings are held on the first and third Wednesdays of each month from 9:00 to 10:30 AM September through May. Babysitters must be VIRTUS trained. Volunteers can babysit at as many or as few meetings as they like.
Digital dating abuse is the use of technologies such as texting and social networking to bully, harass, stalk or intimidate a partner. Often this behavior is a form of verbal or emotional abuse perpetrated online. In a healthy relationship, all communication is respectful whether in person, online or by phone. It is never okay for someone to do or say anything that makes you feel bad, lowers your self-esteem or manipulates you.
Those present for the 9:00 AM liturgy this Sunday will participate with the RCIA and CMI candidates and catechumens in a significant step in their conversion journey: the Rite of Sending for Election and Continuing Conversion.