Resume Review on November 3, 9:00—11:00 AM at St. Raymond Church (301 S. I-Oka, Mt. Prospect, IL) & What They Want Are the Soft Skills on November 12, 7:00—9:15 PM in the PMC Club Room
You are invited to: St. Hubert School Veterans’ Day Assembly Honoring the Veterans of the United States on Friday, November 9, (8:00 AM Refreshments in the Club Room & 8:30 AM Assembly in the Multi-Purpose Room) Veterans planning to attend are asked to notify the school office at 847-885-7702 with the name of the veteran and the branch of service. Please RSVP by Friday, November 2.
St. Hubert Parish is holding our annual Fall Blood Drive in the lower level of church on Sunday, November 4 from 8:00 AM—2:00 PM. If you are in good health and would like to make an appointment, please call Life Source at 877-543-3768. You can register on-line at and use sponsor code STO2. Walk-ins are welcome.
The Illinois Knights of Columbus will be selling booklets at all Masses on November 10th & 11th. PRIZES: 1 - $10,000 Prize & 19 – Prizes ($2,500-$100) 15 Ticket Booklets - $15 each. Drawing: Tuesday December 1. Winner need not be present.
Join us on Saturday, November 3, from Noon—2:00 PM for tea as we remember in prayer those we have lost. Presented by: Dr. Mary Amore Location: Marriott Naperville Cost: $25 (Tea, coffee, and refreshments will be served! ) You can register for this event on our website at or by phone at 630-852-9000.
What to do when you think someone you know is being physically or mentally abused? Remember—if you are worried about someone you know, or if you have questions about behaviors that seems concerning, call the helpline: 877-863-6338. An advocate can talk to you about your concerns and can help you decide what to do next.
Please send all unavailable dates for the months of December through February to Jackie Green no later than November 2nd. Her e-mail is
This year, the solemnity of All Saints’ Day falls on Thursday, November 1. Eucharist will be celebrated at 7:00 AM, 8:30 AM with our school students, and 7:30 PM. All Souls’ Day, The Commemoration of All The Faithful Departed, is on Friday, November 2. Our customary Mass for the feast of All Souls, will be celebrated at 7:30 PM Mass.
CAFE presents this Mayslake Ministries program, which includes Contemplative Prayer - integrating silence and prayer, The Labyrinth - walking the sacred path, & Praying with Your Family. Registration is required by November 14. To RSVP call 847-885-7700, ext. 101 or email
You will receive a thank you letter in the mail, followed by a letter that launches the pledge commitment process. You will receive a form along with an envelope that you can either drop in the collection basket, mail, or deliver to the parish office. If you are receiving monthly collection envelopes in the mail, you will also receive a specially marked envelope to help assist with fulfilling a pledge. These can also be used for one-time gifts. Please contact Teresa McCutchan in the Business Office if you have any questions.
If you are new to St. Hubert or have been here for a while but have not had time to register and are interested in joining our parish family, please join us after the 10:45 AM Mass on Sunday, October 28th in the lower level of the church. We'll gather for about one hour to share a meal, find out about the parish, and complete your registration.
Please join us in the Church of the Holy Spirit Hospitality Room on Saturday, October 28 for a traditional family pancake breakfast of pancakes, eggs and sausage. Donut holes, juice, and coffee will also be served.
Join us for Encore 55+'s Holiday Luncheon on Thursday, November 29 at 11:30 AM at CiCi's 127 (E. Irving Park Road in Streamwood) For further info, contact
A very generous gift has been given to Mrs. Campion and the Music program at St. Hubert School. A $2,500.00 grant has been given to our Music program in honor of the legacy of Brett Anderson, a graduate of St. Hubert School, who died tragically in 2011. The Anderson family hosts a “BBQ for Brett” fundraiser every year to honor his memory and to celebrate his talents as a musician. This year, the family has determined that our Music program will be the recipient of the proceeds. Mrs. Campion taught Brett, in addition to his younger sister Courtney and younger brother Chad. We are very grateful to this generous family, and their efforts to continue Brett’s legacy and promote the study of Music at St. Hubert School!
The Baptism team needs help! We need extra hands to help with Sunday Baptisms. It will not take a lot of your time and I promise you will find it rewarding.
The Boys Scout in Troop 399 are selling Christmas wreaths. We will have fresh 26 inch wreaths available after Masses November 17th &18th. Thank you for your support.
Each year we provide stuffed treat bags to our sharing parish, St. Aloysius, and other needy organizations each year. We need SMALL items that can fit into 8-inch treat bags, such as: Small toys and small beanie babies, new or gently used (Happy Meal toys are perfect); New items which you purchase (treat-bag sized prizes); Candy (even leftover Halloween Candy). Your generosity has been overwhelming in the past, and we ask for your help once again. Please bring donations to the Parish Office
You are invited to: St. Hubert School Veterans’ Day Assembly Honoring the Veterans of the United States on Friday, November 9, (8:00 AM Refreshments in the Club Room & 8:30 AM Assembly in the Multi-Purpose Room) Veterans planning to attend are asked to notify the school office at 847-885-7702 with the name of the veteran and the branch of service. Please RSVP by Friday, November 2.
Saturday, November 17 at St. Theresa (455 N. Benton St. Palatine, IL ). Check in at 8:30 AM, Training from 9:00 AM—noon. A follow up session will take place at St. Hubert. It will include any particular practices for our parish.