Sometimes as parents we have forgotten how important spiritual nourishment is for our children. With work and activities, we may even find it difficult to attend Church. We may sense that we have been away too long and don’t know what steps to take to return to the Catholic Faith.Children’s Ministry of Initiation will be starting new sessions in October. This would be a wonderful opportunity to come and find how you and your children, baptized and un-baptized, could experience a journey back to God and the Catholic faith.
Would you like more information about acquiring or maintaining a rich, rewarding faith life? Have you ever considered exploring the Catholic faith or becoming Catholic? RCIA stands for the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults and it is the process through which people join or complete their initiation into the Catholic Church.
Do you have a heart for children? Do you have the gift of teaching? We are in need of a one catechist for a small CMI class on Sunday Mornings from 8:45—10:15 AM. If interested, please contact Marie Staffa in the Parish Ministry Center 847-885-7700, ext. 124 or
A parish catechist responds to a call by the Holy Spirit, is trained and commissioned by the parish community to directly empower others with the truths and mysteries of our Catholic faith. Adults, adolescents, and children all may find their spiritual formation entrusted to the catechist. The ministry of a catechist occurs within parish and school settings focusing on formation in the Catholic faith.
R.C.I.A. stands for Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. RCIA is the process whereby adults may be initiated into and fully enter the Catholic Church. It is for non-Catholics who may be considering joining the Church and also for Catholics who have not completed their own sacraments of initiation.
The Catechumenate for Children/Teens, which is an Adaptation of the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (R.C.I.A.), is the process by which unbaptized young people of the age of reason come into The Church. (Infant Baptism is only for those children under the age of reason.) Older children who are already baptized, but who are uncatechized, also can prepare to celebrate the sacraments of Confirmation and Holy Eucharist together with their peers during the Easter Vigil or at a Rite of Full Communion.
Please send all of your unavailable dates to Jackie Green no later than July 28th for the period of September through November. Jackie’s email is
St. Hubert/St. Aloysius Annual Sharing Parish Picnic—August 12 HELP! HELP! HELP! We are in need of new or gently used items for Bingo prizes. If you are able to donate any such items, please bring them to the Parish Ministry Center by August 5th. Thank you!
1 - $500 Prize 9 - $50 Prizes Tickets - $10 each Tickets will be sold at all Masses on July 22 & 23 Drawing: Sunday, July 30 Winner need not be present