For some of us of a certain generation, we watched and remember the Carol Burnett show. At the end of her show she sang “I’m so glad we had this time together, just to have a laugh and sing a song.” That’s what I feel as I say good bye to you, my community of 20 years...
The Baptism team needs help! We need extra hands to help with Sunday Baptisms during Mass. It involves arriving 15 minutes before Mass to welcome the family and assisting the priest with the baptism.
A training session for anyone interested in becoming a Lector will be held on Monday, June 12th from 7:00—9:00 PM in the church. Lectors proclaim the Word of God and should read well in public. Teens wishing to become a lector should have completed 8th grade and be confirmed. Contact Deacon Allen Tatara at with questions or to register.
THANK YOU!! There were a total of 66 units collected, greatly exceeding the goal of 50 units. The units collected will potentially save 198 lives! Thank you to all of those who gave unselfishly of themselves to help others. Their generosity will help neighbors in need, including cancer patients, critically ill newborns, accident victims, and many more who have illnesses requiring blood products. The Photikarm Family, LifeSource, and the Hoffman-Schaumburg Knights of Columbus
Girl Scout Troop 40482 Cadettes are working to achieve their Silver Award, by holding three workshops to teach students about theater. The scouts are looking for 12 students currently in grades 3-5. The Cadettes will teach the students about the basic techniques of acting and singing. At the end of the 3 day workshop, they will present Lion King. June 14, 15, & 16 from 9:30—11:00 AM in the Church Hall. The cost is $5 for simple costumes and set
Sincere thanks to all those families who have registered for Religious Education in the Fall. If you have not registered yet, please do so soon. Our thanks also to the more than 75 teachers and aides who have volunteered for the coming year. We still have a few specific needs, if you can help please call the Religious Education Office.