St. Hubert is sponsoring the 8th Annual Gayle Photikarm Memorial Blood Drive on Sunday, June 4, from 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM in the lower level of the church.
Monday, June 12th from 7:00—9:00 PM in the church. Lectors proclaim the Word of God and should read well in public. Teens wishing to become a lector should have completed 8th grade and be confirmed.
A training session for anyone interested in becoming a Eucharistic Minister is set for Thursday, June 1 st from 7:00—8:30 PM in the church building. This session is required for all who distribute the Eucharist at Mass and to the homebound or hospitalized on a regular basis.
Every year adults, children and teens are initiated into the Catholic Community through RCIA. It is a learning and loving process in which conversion of the heart brings individuals to Jesus Christ. We invite you to join us as we un-wrap the RCIA process for you on Tuesday, May 30th from 7:00 – 9:00 PM in the Parish Ministry Center Clubroom. Join our new Pastor Fr. Mike Scherschel, Fr. Rizzo, and the RCIA Team.
The scouts are looking for 12 students currently in grades 3-5. The Cadettes will teach the students about the basic techniques of acting and singing. At the end of the 3 day workshop, they will present Lion King. June 14, 15, & 16 from 9:30—11:00 AM in the St. Hubert Church Hall. The cost is $5 for simple costumes and set.
Wednesday, May 24, ALL day! (11:00 AM—10:00 PM) Click on this event and print the coupon and present it at the time of your order and the Knights of Columbus will receive 20% of all proceeds! Fuddruckers 436 E. Golf Rd. Schaumburg, IL 60173 847-519-9390 All coupons have to be distributed before arriving at the restaurant. Any coupon distributed on the property of Fuddruckers will not be taken into account for the benefit and may disqualify participation of the benefit in total.
As part of our mission, the entire community is called upon to welcome and support these children in their formation and discernment. It will be our duty to pray for them and with them throughout the year in the liturgy — especially in the Rite of Sending for Election and Continuing Conversion, in the early spring of 2018, and during the Rites of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist at the Easter Vigil in 2018. We will be asked to help them learn about our faith in the traditions of our Church. Thanks for joining us in prayer as they make this important step on their journey of faith.
Every year adults, children and teens are initiated into the Catholic Community through RCIA. It is a learning and loving process in which conversion of the heart brings individuals to Jesus Christ. We invite you to join us as we un-wrap the RCIA process for you on Tuesday, May 30th from 7:00 – 9:00 PM in the Parish Ministry Center Clubroom. Join our new Pastor Fr. Mike Scherschel, Fr. Rizzo, and the RCIA Team.
A training session for anyone interested in becoming a Eucharistic Minister is set for Thursday, June 1st from 7:00—8:30 PM in the church building. This session is required for all who distribute the Eucharist at Mass and to the homebound or hospitalized on a regular basis.
St. Hubert is sponsoring the 8th Annual Gayle Photikarm Memorial Blood Drive on Sunday, June 4, from 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM in the lower level of the church.
The last meeting of the season will be this Sunday, May 7, at 1:15 PM in the Dorothy Day Room of the Parish Ministry Center. Please plan to attend to turn in completed shawls and to pick up yarn to last over the summer months. New members are always welcome!
There will be a pilgrimage going to Spain and France next year, co-hosted by parish member Joseph Marco, Chaplain/Coordinator of Catholic Ministry at Northwest Community Hospital, and Fr. Allen Bratkowski, Pastor of St. Edward and St. Richard Parishes in Racine, WI. You are invited to attend an Information Meeting with a representative of Trans World Travel on Wednesday, May 17 at 6:00 PM in the Dorothy Day Room of the Parish Ministry Center.
On this National Day of Prayer for our nation, we gather with our family and friends to discuss important national issues, and then join in communal prayer for wisdom, prudence, and right judgment enlightened not by our political views, but influenced by our religious views.
This Eagle Project is to build shelving units for WINGS in Elk Grove Village, Illinois. Candy will be sold after all Masses on May 6 & 7 and the proceeds will help pay for materials for the shelving units. Donating any of the items listed in this article will also help and be given to these women & children in need.
The Job Ministry continues to assist from 25 to 40 people per meeting as they struggle with finding full-time work in a part-time, temporary, contract work society. This has recently created a need for two additional team members to join us, to help us direct and re-position our Public Relations and social media – media visibility presence.