Please take a Rice Bowl from the basket in the narthex to collect any amount you are able to give during Lent. This can be an opportunity to teach our children, and all in our household, about the meaning of almsgiving.
More than other times of year, during Lent we seek to increase our prayer life and spend quiet time with God. Our help to you is the Little Black Book, one for each household or parishioner as supply lasts. This pocket-sized book is your companion for spending 6 minutes each day walking through the daily Scripture with reflections based on the writings of Bishop Untener, and published by the diocese of Saginaw.
We tend to tie our struggles to the image of bearing our cross. Yet, for Christians, the cross is a symbol of both suffering and triumph over suffering—the glory of the Cross. Death does not win—love triumphs over evil. This year’s Lenten symbol is a cross tied to a purple rope with one knot. Reflect on the knots in your life and tie one knot each week during the 5 weeks of Lent.
Lent is just weeks away. So, it is time to bring last year’s palms to be burned and turned into the ashes that will mark our foreheads with the cross. A BASKET WILL BE IN THE NARTHEX FOR YOUR DRIED PALMS ON FEBRUARY 26.
On Friday, March 10th, 5:00—7:00 PM The confirmation class will hold a simple Lenten Soup and Bread Meal. Please join us in the lower level of the church. We will also be serving peanut butter & jelly sandwiches and macaroni & cheese for the little ones. There will be a free will donation, of which all proceeds will go to the Food Pantry at Church of the Holy Spirit and the Youth Ministry Mission trip. Please join us afterwards in the church for Stations of the Cross.
On February 25 & 26 there will be a bake sale in the Narthex of the church before and after all Masses. This is to fundraise for an Eagle Scout project. The project will benefit the school by converting an unused, empty room into a STEM room (science technology engineering and math).
Training for Ministers of Care consists of two Saturdays: March 11 and March 18 from 9:00 AM—3:00 PM. Training will be held at St. Francis De Sales Parish in Lake Zurich.
Unhealthy relationships can start early and last a lifetime. Teens often think some behaviors, like teasing and name calling are a “normal” part of a relationship. However, these behaviors can become abusive and develop into more serious forms of violence. That is why parents and other adults need to talk to teens now about the importance of developing healthy, respectful relationships...
The St. Hubert Prayer Shawl Ministry members will be in the narthex on February 19 after the 7:30, 9:00, and 10:45 AM Masses, and their beautiful prayer shawls will be on display. Please stop by and check out their handiwork. These shawls provide physical and spiritual comfort to those who wear one. You are welcome to select a shawl...there is no charge, but donations are accepted to help defray the cost of the yarn and other materials needed for our ministry.
If you can join us in this ministry, we guarantee you will find it extremely rewarding. Training for Ministers of Care consists of two Saturdays, March 11 and March 18 9:00 AM—3:00 PM. Training will be held at St. Francis De Sales Parish in Lake Zurich.
Lent is just weeks away. So, it is time to bring last year’s palms to be burned and turned into the ashes that will mark our foreheads with the cross. A BASKET WILL BE IN THE NARTHEX FOR YOUR DRIED PALMS ON FEBRUARY 19 AND 26.
R.C.I.A. stands for Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. RCIA is the process whereby adults may be initiated into and fully enter the Catholic Church. It is for non-Catholics who may be considering joining the Church and also for Catholics who have not completed their own sacraments of initiation.
St. Hubert Girl Scouts will be selling cookies in the church narthex and outside before and after Masses on the weekends of February 19-20 and 25-26. Cookies are $5 a box, and every cookie has a mission: To Help Girls Do Great Things! If you can't eat them, treat 'em! Please Donate Cookies to our Gift of Care Service Program. Thank you!
Sunday, February 19 from 1:30—3:30 PM at Poplar Creek Bowl (2354 W Higgins Road in Hoffman Estates, IL 60169) Cost: All Bowlers $10, children 5 and under $5.00 Tickets will be sold after all Masses on February 4, 5, 11, and 12. Reservations must be paid for in advance by February 13th. NO WALK-INS. Fee includes 2 games of bowling, shoes, pizza buffet, and pop. Bumpers available upon request.