ARE YOU SOMEONE OR DO YOU KNOW SOMEONE WHO… ● Has expressed an interest in becoming Catholic? ● Has a child over the age of seven who has not been baptized? ● Was baptized Catholic as a child, but has not celebrated the Sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist?
Do you wish you could be part of a ministry at Sunday Mass, but are told you are too young? Well, here’s an opportunity for you! If you are entering 5th grade in the fall, you can be an altar server at Mass. This is a great way to become even more familiar with the Mass, be involved and begin giving back to God and the Church. Training for new servers will be held on Monday, November 6th in the church from 6:30—8:00 PM. We request that one parent/guardian attend training with the new server.
New members are always welcome to join the St. Hubert Prayer Shawl Ministry. We knit and crochet shawls in a prayerful way to distribute to those who have a need for spiritual or physical comfort. This is a meaningful way to fill the long winter days that will soon be upon us. Yarn and directions are provided and we'll even teach you to knit and crochet. Our next meeting will be on Sunday, November 5 at 1:15 PM in the Dorothy Day Room of the Parish Ministry Center. Please join us!
This year, the solemnity of All Saints’ Day falls on a Wednesday. Eucharist will be celebrated at 7:00 AM, 8:30 AM, and 7:30 PM. All Souls’ Day, The Commemoration of All The Faithful Departed, is on Thursday. Our customary Mass for the feast of All Souls, will be celebrated at 7:30 PM Mass. This liturgy will include our traditional All Souls Day Mass practices of remembering parishioners who have been buried from St. Hubert.
Fr. Fred Licciardi will be celebrating his last official Mass here, at St. Hubert, on November 5th at 9:00 AM. We would like to thank him and wish him farewell as he starts on his new journey of retirement. Please join us immediately following the 9:00 AM Mass downstairs in the lower level of the church. We will have a small reception and give everyone a chance to wish him well.
Please send all unavailable dates for the months of December 2017 thru February 2018 to Jackie Green no later than November 4th. Her e-mail is
Seek - Pray - Act. Saturday, November 4, 9:30 AM – 2:30 PM in the Parish Ministry Center Clubroom, Take a day to gather your personal resources to meet the demands of the coming season –first called “holydays.” Join us as Sister Karlyn Cauley, SDS, leads us in a day of women giving back to themselves. Registration is required: Call 847-885-7700, ext. 101 or email Deadline is Wednesday, October 25---Limited to 30 guests, $10 materials fee (lunch included) payable at the event.
We’re selling pizza coupons to support our trip to NCYC. Stop by the parish office to pick up your coupons for Lou Malnati’s Pizza. Purchase a coupon here for $13 and whenever you need a quick meal idea, stop into any Lou Malnati’s and pick up a frozen pizza to go.
Father Rizzo’s Retirement Reception is on October 28th after 4:30 PM Mass. If you would like to donate a dessert item, please drop them off any time after 3:00 PM in the Richard Miller Room in the church lower level. Thank you!
We are putting together a video for Father Rizzo. If you have a picture to share, please send it to Jim Elder at by Monday, October 23.
If you are new to St. Hubert or have been here for a while but have not had time to register and are interested in joining our parish family, please join us after the 9:00 AM Mass today—Sunday, October 22nd in the lower level of the church.
Seek - Pray - Act. Saturday, November 4, 9:30 AM – 2:30 PM in the Parish Ministry Center Clubroom, Take a day to gather your personal resources to meet the demands of the coming season –first called “holydays.” Join us as Sister Karlyn Cauley, SDS, leads us in a day of women giving back to themselves. Registration is required: Call 847-885-7700, ext. 101 or email Deadline is Wednesday, October 25---Limited to 30 guests, $10 materials fee (lunch included) payable at the event.
The National Catholic Youth Conference (NCYC) is an awesome, spirit-filled experience for high school teens. We don’t want the cost to keep teens from attending this life-changing event, so we are trying to keep the costs down for our teens with parish sponsors. Your sponsorship directly helps a St. Hubert teen. You can make a donation with a credit card online at or put a check or cash in an envelope marked NCYC and drop it off at the parish.
TUESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 7:00 – 8:30 PM in the PARISH MINISTRY CENTER CLUB ROOM. As a service to all St. Hubert parishioners, the St. Hubert Community Life Program is hosting an Information Night Seminar for all those who are interested in learning more about issues to be considered when planning for retirement.
Overall, the diaconate is thriving in the Archdiocese of Chicago. There are about 500 active deacons, with 74 men currently in the four-year English-speaking formation program. Deacons are found in many parishes of the archdiocese. Yet a frequently asked question is, “What is a deacon?”