There is a man among us Every month we all can see, He stacks food in the hallway A secret his name will be! He has to make many trips He does this all with love, He has to be an angel Sent from our loving God above! We all will feel like angels too If we bring some food in bags, And it will be good for me Not to be the one who always nags! Thanks for caring and sharing... Our next collection is February 4th & 5th, Pegi Meegan President & C.E.O. of "Nag Unlimited"
Sunday, February 19th at the 9:00 AM Mass One of the Church’s most beautiful and consoling rituals, this sacrament keeps the Church’s promise: “We will not abandon you” in your sickness, suffering, weakness, or struggle. Please join us! Whether you want to receive the sacrament yourself or pray with and for those who are receiving it, we invite your participation in this liturgies.
Anyone can be a victim of dating violence. Both boys and girls are victims, but boys and girls abuse their partners in different ways. Girls are more likely to yell, threaten to hurt themselves, pinch, slap, scratch, or kick. Boys injure girls more and are more likely to punch their partner and force them to participate in unwanted sexual activity. Some teen victims experience physical violence only occasionally; others, more often.
Catholic Adult Formation and Education presents the series Catholic Minds - Catholic Matters Series with Fr. Fred Licciardi C.PP.S. “Love always gives life.’’ Thursday, February 9, 2017 at 7:00-8:30 PM.
Myth: The survivor did something to provoke the violence. Fact: No one deserves to be beaten, battered, threatened or in any way victimized by violence...
Looking to start 2017 off with a renewed sense of purpose & belonging? Then register today for a life-changing REFLECT weekend retreat at the Cardinal Stritch Retreat House, Mundelein, IL (in the northern suburbs), on February17-19.
St. Hubert parishioner and music ministry vocalist/cantor, Melissa Barber, is starring in a charity concert which will raise funds for The National MS Society. Please support Melissa and the charity by attending “Cabaret for a Cause” on Sunday, February 26, 2017 at Durty Nellie’s Back Room in Palatine.
“He said to them, ‘Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men.’ At once they left their nets and followed him.” Let us answer God’s call to make our marriages the best they can be by attending a WorldWide Marriage Encounter weekend on February 17-19, April 7-9, or June 9-11 all at Elk Grove Village, IL. Early registration is highly recommended.
High school teens, 7th & 8th graders join us for a Lock-In at Enchanted Castle. We'll meet Friday, February 3rd at 10:15 PM in the Parish Ministry Center and return Saturday morning at 6:45 AM. Cost is $45 per person and includes transportation, all activities, and refreshments. Bring your friends! Permission form and more information is available on the website.
Contribution statements will be mailed by January 28, 2017. Statements will be produced for contributions over $250. Reports are ready now if you use GiveCentral. Log in to your account and print!
This endeavor is being offered in response to requests from interviews with parishioners and it is a part of the St. Hubert Long Range Pastoral Plan. Fr. Fred Licciardi C.PP.S will be our presenter for the following talks in 2017 from 7:00-8:30 PM in the Lower Level of the Church.