Friday, November 18 6:00 PM fellowship, Dinner at 6:45 PM Child care will be provided and your companion is welcome to join us. Please plan to attend. Mark your calendar today. Not a volunteer? Become one, the Parish needs you.
It begins with an awareness… or stirring in one’s heart for something more. It could be a curiosity or a sense of longing for fulfillment. Maybe it’s God calling you to explore the life of faith, love, and justice within the community of the Catholic Church….
A PADS (Public Action to Deliver Shelter) center is located at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in Schaumburg and they have been providing shelter on Friday nights for 25 years. They currently are able to accommodate up to 40 guests each Friday. Unfortunately, the mattresses (pads) currently being used are also 25 years old. Their goal, with our help, is to replace as many as they can this fall before their new season begins on October 7.
We may be 55 and over, but we’re not over the hill yet…we’ve got a lot of living to do! Some of us are still in the working world, while others are enjoying retirement, so the times of our activities are varied —daytime or evening—so that all may participate at one time or another. So, whether you’re single or married, male or female…come and check us out! It’s all about celebrating life!
The Anointing of the Sick will be celebrated at our weekend liturgy on Sunday October 9th at the 6:00 PM Mass. One of the Church’s most beautiful and consoling rituals, this sacrament keeps the Church’s promise: “We will not abandon you” in your sickness, suffering, weakness, or struggle.
This process allows families with children to join other families who are seeking to become closer to God. St. Hubert ministers to the whole family as their children journey toward Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist or full reception into the Catholic Church.
A Thank You Dinner will be given by the parish for all of those in the parish that volunteered for various activities in the past year. Please join us on Friday, November 18 at 6:00 PM for fellowship, 6:45 PM dinner.
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Basic 2 Week Training for Ministers of Care will be held at St. James Parish, 820 N. Arlington Heights Road, in Arlington Heights on two Saturdays, October 8th & October 15th from 8:30 AM to 3:00 PM
Why might you be thinking about this now, as an adult? You may be looking for more in life, dissatisfied with the emptiness you may be feeling. You may be at an age when you are open to God’s call….or your children may be asking questions…or you are experiencing a need to belong to something, someone, bigger than yourself. You might be searching for a way to share faith within your family…you might simply know that there is something missing in your life. All of us, Catholics or not, experience these longings at one time or another. Those of us involved in St. Hubert Parish RCIA process invite you to join us, to begin YOUR journey, to ask questions, pray with us, explore your own spiritual history, and learn about the Catholic Church.
Come join this great ministry. By our Baptisms and Confirmations, we are made a part of the People of God and given the responsibility to work toward the building up of the Church. Take part in a ministry to which God is calling you and live out your Baptism.
A communal celebration of the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick will occur on Sunday October 9th at the 6:00 PM Mass. Please mark your calendar and join us.
We would like to thank all of our wonderful Domestic Violence Outreach Members and all of our participants who made the WINGS Fundraiser Masterpieces and Merlot event such a success! Together we raised $851.30 to support the WINGS Program Giving Flight To Hopes and Dreams. Open this article to see our gallery!
Children’s Ministry of Initiation (CMI) is a process for children 7 years of age or older. CMI is a vibrant part of the parish welcoming and evangelical efforts for families wishing to learn more about becoming a Catholic Christian or reconnecting to the Church. Open this article for more information.