On behalf of all the people of St. Hubert, I wish a very Happy Birthday to Trudy Casper, mother of Carol Blotteaux, as she celebrated her 100th birthday on Tuesday, August 23rd.
Whether you are new to St. Hubert or have been here for a while, but have not had time to register… Please join us next week for the 9:00 AM Mass. After Mass, join us in the lower level of the church to complete your registration and enjoy a meal. Please PRE-register in the front office or online prior to the event.
Domestic violence can create serious obstacles that prevent victims from achieving economic security and self-sufficiency. By controlling and limiting the victim’s access to financial resources, a batterer ensures that the victim will be financially limited if he/she chooses to leave the relationship. Open this article to read more.
ARE YOU SOMEONE OR DO YOU KNOW SOMEONE WHO… ● Has expressed an interest in becoming Catholic? ● Has a child over the age of seven who has not been baptized? ● Was baptized Catholic as a child, but has not celebrated the Sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist? Classes began October 16. Call today, it is not too late to join us. For information, contact Marie Staffa at 847-885-7700, ext. 124 or mstaffa@sainthubert.org.
Are you curious about religion? Would you like more information about acquiring or maintaining a rich, rewarding faith life? Have you ever considered exploring the Catholic faith or becoming Catholic?
If you are willing to share your faith and journey with these families as their children complete their sacraments, then call today and explore this idea a bit further. Contact Marie Staffa at 847-885-7700, ext. 124 or mstaffa@sainhubert.org. We begin in October. You would meet with the parents after the 9:00 AM Mass. It is not every Sunday, so it allows for a little flexibility.
RCIA stands for Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. RCIA is the process whereby adults may be initiated into and fully enter the Catholic Church. It is for non-Catholics who may be considering joining the Church, and also for Catholics who have not completed their own sacraments of Initiation.Practicing Catholics are needed in this ministry to share in the RCIA experience as sponsors and team members.
We would like to thank the St. Hubert parishioners who helped support our fund raising efforts during the weekend of July 16th & 17th. Of the ten raffle prizes, eight St. Hubert parishioners were winners. One was a $500 grand prize winner, and seven won $50 each. The two remaining $50 prizes were won by members of neighboring parishes.
Please send all of your unavailable dates for the months of September through November to Jackie Green no later than August 12th. Jackie’s email is jaygee222@sbcglobal.net. Thank you.
Help is needed in the following areas: ● Catechist for Grade 4 Saturday 9:00-10:45 AM ● Catechist Aides for Saturday 9:00-10:45 AM ● Catechist Aides for Wednesday 4:00-5:45 PM ● Catechist Aides for Sunday 7:20-9:00 PM ● Child care for parent meetings on October 19th (6:45-8:00 PM) and October 22nd (8:45-10:00 AM)
HELP! We are in need of new or gently used items for Bingo prizes. If you are able to donate any such items, please bring them to the Parish Ministry Center by August 6th.