St. Hubert Prayer Shawl Ministry will meet on Sunday, December 4, at 1:15 PM in the Dorothy Day Room of the Parish Ministry Center. If you are interested in finding out what this ministry is about, please join us!
Regrettably, a couple who teach in our Confirmation Program are relocating and will not able to finish the year. I am looking for someone to teach the remaining six classes starting February 12th.
Children who have been exposed to domestic violence often learn destructive lessons about the use of violence and power in relationships in addition to the physical, behavioral, psychological, and cognitive effects. These lessons can have a powerful negative effect on children in social situations and relationships throughout childhood and in later life...
All interested parishioners are invited to discuss the strengths and challenges of the parish and the qualities needed in their next pastor in a town hall format. Input from parishioners is very important in the process.
Recently, the Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith issued an Instruction, To Rise With Christ, on the burial rites involving ashes / cremated remains of the deceased.
There were a total of 49 units collected. The units collected will potentially save 147 lives! Thank you to all of those who gave unselfishly of themselves to help others.