This year, the solemnity of All Saints Day falls on a Tuesday. Eucharist will be celebrated at 7:00 AM, 8:30 AM, and 7:30 PM. The Commemoration of All The Faithful Departed, is on Wednesday. Our customary Mass for the feast of All Souls, will be celebrated at 7:30 PM Mass.
Mark your calendars! It's that time of year again! Ministry of Moms and the Community Life Program will be holding its annual Stocking Stuffer night on Wednesday, November 16 at 7:00 PM
Won't you consider joining us at our next meeting on Sunday, November 6, at 1:15 PM in the Dorothy Day Room of the Parish Ministry Center? We will even teach you how to knit and crochet.
* Has expressed an interest in becoming Catholic? * Has a child over the age of seven who has not been baptized? * Was baptized Catholic as a child, but has not celebrated the Sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist?
Friday, November 18 6:00 PM Fellowship, 6:45 PM Dinner Child care will be provided and your companion is welcome to join us. RSVP by November 11 to or call 847-885-7700, ext.101
You are invited to enter a name of a deceased loved one into our Book of the Names of the Dead and place any pictures or mementos of your deceased loved ones in the niche.
Are you overwhelmed with jobs at home and need help? Call the Helping Hands ministry at St. Hubert. Parishioners have volunteered their time and talents to help you for free. Jesus taught us to love your neighbor as yourself, so we love with our thoughts, words, and action.
A Thank You Dinner will be given by the Parish for all of those in the Parish that had volunteered for various activities in the past year. Friday, November 18 6:00 PM Fellowship, 6:45 PM Dinner. Child care will be provided and your companion is welcome join us. RSVP by November 11.
MYTH: Domestic Violence is terrible, but it happens elsewhere—not in my community, not my neighborhood, my culture, my religion, or my congregation. FACT: Domestic Violence happens to people of every educational and socio-economic level at the same incidence. Domestic Violence happens to people of every ethnic background, faith, and age group.
All unavailable dates for the months of December thru February must be sent to Jackie Green no later than October 31st. Her e-mail is
There will be a "Dine & Donate" Fundraiser for the Knights of Columbus is on October 25 at Pilot Pete’s. You must bring a flyer to participate. Download a flyer here.