St. James Divorce Ministry is offering the Divorce Care program beginning in January. Divorce Care is a ten session journey aimed to provide education, support, and healing. This free video seminar presented over multiple sessions meets on most 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of every month. Attend one or all sessions. Our ministry is geared towards supporting those that are separated/divorced/annulled to provide healing and renewal.
Winter/Spring Schedule for Divorce Care 1/3 Session 1: What’s Happening to Me?
1/17 Session 2: The Road to Healing/Finding Help 1/31 Session 3: Facing My Anger
2/14 Session 4: Facing My Depression 2/28 Session 5: Facing My Loneliness
3/14 Session 6: Financial Survival/Kid Care 3/28 Session 7: New Relationships
4/11 No Class – Holy Week 4/25 Session 8: Forgiveness 5/9 Session 9: Reconciliation
5/23 Session 10: Moving On, Growing Closer To God 6/12 Closing Session/Mass/Social
St. James Parish Center, O’Brien Room
820 N Arlington Heights Road in Arlington Heights, I
L (Use Lower Level, Northside Entrance)
Contact Deacon Jim Bannon for more information at 224-345-7200 or