Dorothy Barbazette, Michael Barbazette, Carol Benson, David Jameson, Tina Peyser, Jasmine Plaza, Dennis Basden, Chuck Bonham, Avril Fredericks, Mary Jo Ingolia, Mary Stump, Mary Sullivan, Pam Van Wagenen, Marie Staffa, Stephanie Tatara, Father Mike Scherschel
The RCIA/ CMI Team would like to thank the sponsors, parish companions, godparents and family members who accompanied our new members on their faith journey. Your devotion has guided and supported them in their preparation.
A big thanks to all those who helped in forming and catechizing our new members. We appreciate you giving us new insights into our Catholic Faith.
We give special thanks to all of those who provided refreshments for our retreat, special dinners and each Tuesday evening for RCIA. Your stories and faith experiences were a source of encouragement to everyone.
And to you, St. Hubert Parishioners, who prayed for our new members on their journey to the Easter Sacraments and who participated with them in the rituals of the RCIA, THANK YOU and GOD BLESS YOU. We rejoice and are glad in this EASTER Day!
If you helped in any way, no task is too small for our THANKS!