The true story of Abby Johnson, the youngest director at Planned Parenthood, who became a spokesperson for them and fought to enact legislation for the cause she so deeply believed in—until the day she actually saw an abortion and became one of the most ardent pro-life speakers in America!
Opens Thursday, March 28
th at AMC South Barrington 24
Thur., 3/28 7pm 9pm
Fri., 3/29 10:45am 1:20pm 4:00pm 6:40pm 9:25pm
Sat., 3/30 10:45am 1:20pm 4:00pm 6:40pm 9:25pm
Please join members of the St. Hubert Respect Life group and see this important film on Opening Weekend. Choose a movie time that’s convenient for you. Let’s show our support in protecting the life of the unborn!